TM 5-3810-295-34
(5) Remove screws (21), lock washers (22)
and nuts (23). Remove nuts (24), lock washers (25) and
Assemble hydraulic motor (54) to bracket
dampeners (26). Remove stubs (27) from radiator (37).
(56). Secure with capscrews (51), lock washers
(6) Remove pipe plug (28). Remove
(53) and nuts (52).
capscrews (29) and lock washers (30). Lift plate (31) and
Assemble fan blade and hub assembly to
gasket (32) from radiator (37). Discard gasket.
motor shaft. Tighten nut (48) and install cotter pin
(7) Remove capscrews (33) and lock washers
(5) Assemble bracket (56) to shroud (67).
Remove flange (35) and gasket (36) from radiator (37).
Secure with cap screws (46), lock washers (45)
Discard gasket.
and nuts (44).
(8) Remove nuts (38), lock washers (39), flat
Assemble guard (55) to fan drive assembly.
Secure with lock washers (50) and nuts (49).
(9) Remove elbow (42) from oil cooler (43) and
Assemble oil cooler (43) to shroud (67).
lift cooler (43) from shroud (67).
Secure with isolators (41), flat washers (40), lock
(10) Remove nuts (44), lock washers (45) and
washers (39),and nuts (38).
capscrews (46). Remove blade assembly from shroud
Install elbow (42) on oil cooler (43).
(9) Assemble flange (35) and new gasket (36) on
(11) Remove cotter pin (47) and nut (48).
radiator (37). Secure with lock washers (34) and screws
Separate the blade assembly and guard assembly.
(12) Remove nuts (49), lock washers (50),
(10) Assemble plate (31) and new gasket (32)
capscrews (51), nuts (52), and lock washers (53).
on radiator (37). Secure with lock washers (30) and
(13) Separate hydraulic motor (54), guard (55) and
capscrews (29). Install pipe plug (28).
bracket (56).
(11) Assemble stubs (27) to radiator (37) and in-
(14) Remove capscrews (57), and lock washers
stall dampeners (26). Secure with lock washers (25)
(58). Separate hub (59) and fan blade (60).
and nuts (24).
(15) Remove capscrews (61), lock washers (62) and nuts
(12) Assemble clamps (16) and (18) and seals
(63). Lift wood blocks (64), (65) and (66) from shroud
(17), (19) and (20). Secure with nuts (15), lock
washers (14) and screws (13).
(13) Assemble radiator (37) to shroud (67). Clamp
13-37. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
and seal assemblies must be properly positioned.
Remove sediment from core by pressure
Secure radiator with screws (21), lock washers (22) and
flushing and, if necessary, boil with cleaning solvent,
nuts (23).
Federal Specification P-D-680, or equivalent.
(14) Assemble dampeners (12) and secure with
Inspect tanks for cracks, breaks or damaged
capscrews (8), flat washers (9), lock washers (10), and
seams. Repair or replace a defective tank.
nuts (11).
Inspect for cracked or broken fins in the core.
(15) assemble grille (7) to fan drive assembly
Repair damaged fins by soldering or replace defective
secure with flat washers (6), lock washers (5) and
capscrews (4).
Inspect general condition of hardware and
(16) Assemble cover (3) to radiator assembly,
replace all gaskets and damaged hardware.
secure with lock washers (2) and capscrews (1).
1 3-38. Reassembly and Installation
b. Refer to figure 13-13 and install radiator and fan
Refer to figure 13-14 and reassemble radiator
drive assembly as described below.
and fan drive assembly as follows.
Using a suitable lifting device hoist fan drive
(1) Place wooden blocks (64), (65) and (66) in
assembly to carrier frame.
the radiator shroud (67). Install capscrews (61), lock
Install attaching hardware as shown on
washers (62) and nuts (63) and secure blocks.
figure 13-13.
(2) Assemble hub (59) to fan blade (60) with
(3) Connect radiator and hydraulic hoses (TM
capscrews (57) and lock washers (58) and tighten
Install deck plates (TM 5-3810-295-12).
Refill cooling system and check for leaks
(TM 5-3810-295-12).
an I o .
13-40. Removal and Disassembly
13-39. Description
a. Remove fan drive motor as described in
The hydraulic fan drive motor is thermostatically
paragraph 13-36b, sub paragraphs (10), (11), (12) and
controlled to drive the carrier engine fan. The eng-
(13). Refer to fig. 13-14.
ine fan supplies an air flow through the oil cooler
and radiator to provide a means of cooling the