TM 5-3810-295-34
p. Position bearing caps (6) on bearings, making
the bearing adjustment made in previous assembly
sum matchmarks made during disassembly are prop-
steps. If original ring gear and pinion set are used, ad-
erly aligned. Install bearing cap bolts (4) and washers
just backlash to that noted at disassembly.
(5) and tighten until snug. Do not fully torque.
s. Check ring gear and pinion gear for proper tooth
q. Tighten adjusting nuts (7) to adjust bearings to
contact, as shown in figure 16-5. Paint ring gear teeth
zero end play. All bearing rollers must rotate as the
with a mixture of red lead and linseed oil. When ring
ring gear rotates, but it should not be possible to move
and pinion gears are rotated, the red lead is squeezed
bearing rollers sideways in the cage when prying
away by the contact of the teeth, leaving bare areas the
against them with screwdriver.
exact size, shape and location of the contacts. Gears
r. Use a dial indicator to check backlash between the
should be rotated, under sight load, until ring gear has
ring gear and pinion shaft gear. Adjust backlash by
turned at least one revolution in both directions. Check
moving the ring gear toward or away from the pinion
tooth contact pattern on drive side of ring gear teeth.
shaft gear. Move the ring gear by loosening one adjust-
Coast side will automatically be correct when drive side
ing nut (7) and tightening the other. Be careful to
pattern is correct
match the movement of the adjusting nuts to preserve