TM 5-3810-295-34
screw (9). Install cap screw (28), with lock tite sealer, or
17-3. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
equivalent, tighten to 70--75 f-lb (94.9--101.9 N. m)
a. Clean all metal parts in cleaning solvent (Fed.
Spec. P-D-680 or equivalent) and dry with compressed
b. Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks or other
Preload of bearings (13) and (17) shall be ad-
damage. Replace damaged or defective parts.
justed to 2.0-8.0 in-lb (.23-.90 N m).
c. Check all bearings and bearing surfaces in house-
(8) Press bearings and shaft assembly into house-
ings and covers for wear or damage. Replace worn or
ing (42) being careful not to score the bearings or bear-
damaged parts.
ing surface in the housing
d. Replace all oil seals.
(9) Place proper shims (6), (7) and (8) on housing
17-4. Reassembly and Installation
(10) Install pipe plug (5) in cover (3). Press new oil
a. Refer to figure 17-2 and reassemble gear box and
seal (4) into cover.
steering column as follows:
(11) Install cover (3), over shaft, onto housing (42).
(1) Assemble pipe plug (41) into housing (42).
Secure with lock washers (2) and cap scow (1).
(2) Assemble bearing (36), spacer (35), shim (34)
b. Refer to figure 17-1 and install the steering col-
spacer (33), bearing (32), collar (31) and bevel gear (30).
umn and gear box as follows:
Secure in place with washer (29) and cap screw (28) In-
(1) Place steering column and gear box assembly
stall cap screw (28), with Lock Tite sealer or
in position.
equivalent, and tighten to 70--75 ft-lb (94.9-101.7
(2) Install capscrews (9), flat washers (8), lock
washer (7) and nuts (6). Snug tighten only.
(3) Install cap screw (12), lock washer (11) and
Preload of bearings (32) and (36) must be ad-
nut (10). Snug tighten only.
justed to 2.8.0 in (23-.90 N. m) torque.
(4) Install cap screw (5), lock washer (4) and nut
(3) Press bearing and shaft assembly into housing
(3) Insure assembly is properly aligned and tighten all
(42) being careful not to score bearings or bearing sur-
attaching hardware.
faces in the housing.
(5) Install trailer control valve (TM 5-3810-
(4) Place proper shims (37), (38) and (39) on
housing (42). Slide cover (21) over shaft (40) and secure to
(6) Install turn signal switch (TM 5-3810-295-12).
housing (42) with lock washer (20) and cap screw (19).
(7) Install steering wheel (2) over splined shaft
(5) Assemble contact ring (27) to shaft (40) and
and secure with nut (1).
secure in place with screw (26).
(6) Slide tube (25) over shaft (40) and install
Steering wheel should be installed in
spring seat (24) and spring (23). Press bearing (22) into
straight--ahead position with steering gear
tube (25).
(7) Place bearing (17), spacer (16), shim (15),
(8) Install horn button assembly (TM
spacer (14), bearing (13 collar (12 and bevel gear (11)
on shaft (18). Secure with lock washer (10) and cap
Section II.
(2) Slide universal joint (5) off shaft (9). Remove
17-5. Description
nut (6), lock washer (7) and cap screw (8). Remove shaft
The steering shafts and stub gear box permits removal
(9) and universal joint (10).
of the worm gear assembly or steering shaft and col-
(3) Remove cap screw (11), washer (12), lock
umn independent of each other.
washer (13) and nut (14).
(4) Remove nut (15), lock washer (16) and cap
17-6. Removal and Disassembly
screw (17). Remove stub shaft gear box (18).
a. Refer to figure 17-3 and remove steering shafts
(5) Remove nut (19), lock washer (20) and cap
and stub shaft gear box as follows.
(1) Remove shaft guard (1). Remove nut (2), lock screw (21). Slide shaft and universal assembly (22)
from vehicle.
washer (3) and cap screw (4).