TM 5-3810-295-34.
(41). Remove and discard preformed packing (42) from
plug (25) to housing (51).
stop valve.
(7) Install expansion plug (24) and pipe plug (23)
(13)Remove piston (43), springs (44 and 45) and
in housing (51).
stop pin (46).
(8) Install oil seal (22) if necessary, and place pin
(14)Remove expansion plug (47) and selector
assembly in housing (51) being sure pin assembly at-
spool (49). Tap out roll pin (48) and separate spool link
taches to selector spool link (50).
(50) from selector spool (49).
(9) Press selector bearing (20) over pin assembly
c. Cleaning Inspection and Repair
(21) into housing (51), and install retaining ring (19).
(10)Install cap gasket (18) and bearing cap (17)
(1) Clean all metallic parts of the hydraulic shift
and secure with lock washers (16) and bolts (15). Install
control with cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680, or
a new oil seal (14) if necessary.
equivalent) and (& thoroughly.
(11)Install control lever bracket (13) on pin as-
(2) Inspect all parts for cracks, scoring, corrosion
sembly (21) and secure with set screw (12).
or other defects.
(12)Place lever housing (11) on control lever
(3) Replace all gaskets, preformed packing and
bracket (13) and attach with roll pin (10). Attach lever
damaged or defective parts.
d. Reassembly. Refer to figure 20-2 and reassemble
housing (11) to lock-up spool link with roll pin (9)
(13)Install stop plate (8) over control lever to
the control valve as follows.
housing (51) with washers (7), lock washers (6) and cap
(1) Place spool link (50) on selector spool (49) and
screws (5).
install roll pin (48). Install selector spool (49) and link
(14)Screw knob (4) to control lever (11) and mount
(50) into housing (51) and secure with expansion plug
valve assembly with cap screws (3), lock washers (2)
and nuts (1).
(2) Place stop pin (46), springs (45 and 44) and
e. Installation Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and in-
piston (43) into housing (51). Install new preformed
stall the control valve as instructed.
packing (42) on stop valve (41) and place the stop valve
on piston (43). Secure with retaining ring (40).
20-10. Utility Blade Control
(3) Install spring (39), bearing ball (38) and fitting
a. Removal Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and remove
(37) in housing (51).
the utility blade control as described.
(4) Install spool link (36) on selector spool (35) and
b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 20-3 and disassemble
secure with roll pin (34). Place selector spool and link
the utility blade control as follows.
assembly in housing (51) and secure with expansion
(1) Remove nuts (1) and threaded studs (2) and
plug (33).
separate body (3) from main body. Remove and discard
(5) Install actuating pin (32) and neutral switch
preformed packing (4 and 5)
(31) in housing (51). Install bearing ball (30), spring
(2) Remove retaining ring (6) and pull lever off
(29) and pipe plug (28).
lever link (11) and valve spool.
(6) Install bearing ball (27), spring (26) and pipe