TM 5-3810-295-34
(7) Place lever (7) Place)through lever link (11) and
Valve body and valve spool must be replaced
valve spool. Secure with retaining ring (6).
as a matched unit
(8) Install new preformed packing (4 and 5) and
d. Reassembly. Refer to figure 20-3 and reassemble
assemble body (3) to main valve body. Secure with
the control valve as follows.
threaded studs (2) and nuts (1).
(1) Install plugs (30 and 31) in the valve body. In-
a. Installation. Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and in-
stall control valve (29), spring (28), new preformed
stall the utility blade control as described.
packing (27) and plug (26).
20-11. Fan Drive Control
(2) Install new preformed packing (25), cap re-
a. General The fan used to cool the carrier engine
tainer (24), spring retainer (23), spring (22), spring re-
radiator is driven by a hydraulic motor. The fan drive
tainer (21) and valve guide (20). Secure with cap screw
control valve provides control for operation of the fan
drive motor (54, fig. 13-4).
(3) Install spool cap (18) and secure with cap
b. Removal Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and remove
screws (17).
(4) Install valve poppet (16), poppet spring (15)
the fan drive control.
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 20-4 and disassemble
new preformed packing (14 and 13) and plug (12).
(5) Place lever link (11), on main valve body and
the control valve as follows.
secure with fulcrum rod (10) and retaining ring (9).
(1) If necessary remove screws (1) and identifica-
(6) Install new preformed packing (8) on valve
tion plate (2) from valve body (10).
Identification plate
Spool seal
Relief valve
Check valve
Spool cap
Valve spool
Valve body
Figure 20-4.
(2) Remove screws (3) and lift spool seal (4) from
d. Cleaning Inspection and Repair
valve body (10).
(1) Clean all metallic parts of the fan drive control
(3) Remove relief valve (5), plug (6) and check
valve with cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680, or
valve (7) from the valve body.
equivalent) and dry thoroughly.
(4) Remove spool cap (8) and valve spool (9) from
(2) Inspect all parts for cracks, scoring, corrosion,
valve body (10).
and other damage or defective parts.