TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
The battery-charging circuit consists of a generator
battery-charging generator (Fig. 1) is introduced into the
electrical system to provide a source of electrical current
for maintaining the storage battery in a charged condition
and to supply sufficient current to carry any other
electrical load requirements up to the rated capacity of
the generator.
Direct current generators (Fig. 2) are manufactured in a
wide range of sizes and types, but the basic design of all
D.C. generators is the same. The size and type of
generator applied to a particular engine depends on
many factors, including maximum electrical load, type of
service, percentage of engine idling to running time, type
of drive, drive ratio (engine speed to generator speed),
generator mounting and environmental conditions.
The alternating current self-rectifying generator
Fig. 1 - Typical Generator Mounting
(alternator), Figs. 3 and 4, is especially beneficial on an
The proper selection of a generator which will meet the
engine with extra electrical accessories and one that has
needs of the battery-charging circuit on :ie particular
to operate for extended periods at idle speeds. Diodes,
engine is mandatory. This, together with adherence to
built into the slip ring end frame, rectify the three phase
the recommended maintenance procedures, will reduce
A.C. voltage to provide D.C. voltage at the battery
generator troubles to a minimum. Since most generators
terminal of the generator, thereby eliminating the need
adhere to the same basic design, the maintenance,
for an external rectifier. The alternator is also available
removal and installation procedures for all are similar.
in a variety of sizes and types.
Fig. 2 - Typical Direct Current Generator
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