TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
Battery-Charging Generator 7.1
CAUTION: Never attempt to polarize an
Failure to polarize a D.C. generator will result in burned
or stuck cutout relay contact points in the regulator, a
rundown battery and damage to the generator.
The procedure for correctly polarizing a generator will
vary with the type of electrical equipment installed and
upon the generator regulator wiring circuit.
If the
generator field is grounded through the regulator, it is an
"A" circuit; if it is internally grounded, it is a "B" circuit.
Fig. 5 - Tightening Generator Pulley Retaining Nut
If Delco-Remy electrical equipment is installed, reference
can be made to the Delco-Remy "Electrical Equipment
"B" Circuit:
Manual" and "Test Specifications" (refer to Section 7) to
determine the type of circuit applicable to the regulator
Remove the "F" lead from the regulator and momentarily
being used. Since it is possible to have either an "A" or
connect it to the "BAT' terminal of the regulator.
"B" circuit regulator with any given generator, the
polarizing procedures must be carefully adhered to. Use
A momentary surge of current to the generator correctly
of the wrong polarizing procedure or neglecting to
polarizes it with respect to the battery.
polarize will result in reversed generator polarity and
serious damage to electrical components.
Alternator Precautions
After ascertaining the correct circuit used, polarize the
Precautions must be taken when working on or around
generator as outlined below:
circuit are very sensitive and can be easily destroyed.
1. "A" Circuit:
Connect a jumper lead momentarily between
the "BAT" and "GEN" terminals of the regulator.
Fig. 4 20DN Type 250 A.C. Self-Rectifying Generator (Alternator)
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