TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
(DC Charging Circuit)
The carbon pile regulator (Fig. 2) is a heavy duty unit
designed for use with a high output DC generator.
Compared with the vibrating-contact regulators, the
carbon pile regulator functions on a different principle
which should be clearly understood before adjustments
of the regulator are attempted. In the carbon pile
regulator, a stack or pile of small flat carbon disks is
connected in series electrically with the generator field
circuit. Control of the generator output is obtained by
varying the pressure on the carbon stack which, in turn,
varies its resistance without interrupting the field circuit.
The regulator (Fig. 2) contains an actuating relay, a
circuit breaker relay, a voltage regulator, a current
Fig. 2 - Carbon Pile Regulator Assembly
regulator, and an overload circuit breaker relay. In
addition to these operating units, a system voltage
voltage regulator limits the generator voltage to a safe
rheostat is connected in series with the voltage regulator
operating value.
The current regulator limits the
shunt winding.
generator current output to its rated maximum. The
system voltage rheostat provides an external means of
In the carbon pile regulator, the units named in Fig. 2
adjusting the voltage regulator setting. The reverse
perform the following functions. The actuating relay and
current overload relay is a safety device which will cause
circuit breaker relay operate together to close and open
the circuit breaker relay
the charging circuit. The
contact points to open on excessive reverse current.
(AC Charging Circuit)
There are two types of regulators being used with self-
and a field relay unit. The other is a transistor regulator
rectifying AC generators in the battery-charging circuit.
which contains no moving parts and is used with a
One is a transistorized regulator which contains a
separately mounted field relay.
vibrating voltage regulator unit
The transistorized regulator (Fig. 3), for use on a
Certain transistorized regulators are equipped with a
negative ground circuit, contains a vibrating voltage
choke coil to permit the installation of a capacitor
regulator unit and a field relay unit. The regulator uses a
between the regulator and the "BAT" terminal on
single transistor and two diodes. The transistor works in
conjunction with the conventional voltage unit having a
capacitor suppresses the radio noise and the choke coil
vibrating contact point to limit the generator voltage to a
acts to prevent oxidation of the voltage regulator
pre-set value. A field discharge diode reduces arcing at
contacts. Regulators incorporating the choke coil are
the voltage regulator contacts by dissipating the energy
identified by a spot of green paint on the regulator base,
created in the generator field windings when the contacts
next to the single mounting bolt-hole.
separate. A suppression diode prevents damage from
transient voltages which may appear in the system.
CAUTION: A capacitor must not be installed unless the
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