pump drive weighs approximately 200
Ibs. Lower the pump drive from under
the upper.
The information in this subsection covers
the removal, repair and installation of
the torque converter and pump drive.
5. Place the pump drive on a flat work
surface with the output side down. Re-
move dipstick (06) and set aside for as-
P U M P DRIVE (53U84)
DISASSEMBLY. To disassemble the
GENERAL. The pump drive used to
pump drive, proceed as follows (see
drive the hydraulic pumps on this ma-
chine is simply a three station gear box.
The pump drive is mounted at the rear of
1. Remove the capscrews holding cover
shaft directly from the front of the en-
(02) to case (08). Pull the cover off and
2. Turn the case over with the pump
The input flange drive meshes with the
drives facing up and remove capscrews
top pump drive gear and drives the oth-
(18) and nuts (22).
er two pump drives through the interme-
diate gear. The two propel pumps are
mounted directly on the pump drive
3. Remove input adapter housing (27)
flange adapters. The pump input shafts
and flange drive (28).
engage with the splined adapters inside
4. Mark the position of pump adapters
the pump adapters.
(17) with relation to the case and remove
the pump adapters.
To remove the pump drive,
5. Remove output gears (14) with the
1. Remove the drain plug from the pump
5. Remove and discard plastic cords (16)
drive and drain the lubricant into a con-
tainer. Inspect the drain plug for metal
chips, clean and install.
7. Pull the bearings from the gears.
2. Remove the propel pumps from the
Bearings are press fitted to the gear
pump drive as described in Subsection
8. Disassemble the flange drive from the
3. Disconnect the universal joint from
input adapter housing as follows:
the pump input flange drive and remove
breather (11), reducer (10), and elbow
A. Remove snap ring (24) that holds
and tubing (12).
flange drive (28) in adapter housing
(27) and snap ring (23) that retains
4. Support the pump drive with a suit-
bearing (25).
able lifting device and remove the mount-
Subsection 4C