Incorporated in this circuit are: an oil
4. Check for installation of the sleeve
adapters and install the propel pumps as
filter, an oil cooler, pressure regulating
described in Subsection 9B.
valves and pressure and temperature
5. Install the elbows and tubing to the
DESCRIPTION. The torque converter
top of the pump drive. Set the tubing at
consists of three elements, pump, tur-
an angle slightly above the horizontal.
bine and stator.
6. Replace the dipstick and fill the case
The torque converter is a rotating hous-
with the type and amount of lubricant as
ing type of converter. The elements are
specified in Section III. Check the dip-
enclosed in a housing which consists of
stick for proper level.
the converter pump and the engine fly-
wheel. Greater flexibility IS obtained
7. Install the adapter and the breather
in the elbow at the end of the tubing.
because the converter can function both
as a torque multiplier and a fluid coupl-
The converter pump is the input member
of the torque converter assembly and is
connected directly to the engine.
vanes of the pump direct the oil against
the vanes of the turbine.
DESCRIPTION. The torque converter
combines a l l t h e d e s i r e a b l e c h a r a c t e r -
The turbine is splined to the converter
istics of a hydraulic torque multiplier
output shaft.
The oil from the pump
and a fluid coupling to transmit engine
drives the turbine, therefore transmit-
power to the crane machinery. The tor-
ting torque to the output shaft.
que converter automatically adjusts the
vanes o f t h e t u r b i n e d i r e c t o i l a g a i n s t
output torque to the load demand, and
permits the engine to operate at its most
the vanes of the stator.
effective output.
The stator is designed to rotate in one
direction and to lock up when acted upon
The torque converter employs the rotat-
(by oil from turbine) from the opposite
ing housing principle. It is a single
When the stator locks up, it
stage, 2 phase type of converter with
provides the necessary reaction member
three elements: pump, turbine and
stator. For detailed specifications see
The torque converter permits the engine
To accomplish this function, the stator is
to operate at its most effective output.
mounted on a cam and rollers on the con-
It protects the engine from damaging
v e r t e r g r o u n d s l e e v e . The cam and roll-
shock loads and harmful engine lugging
er arrangement permits the stator to
and stalling, thereby increasing the life
rotate in one direction only, namely, in
of the engine and equipment, and their
the direction of the converter pump and
service availability.
Because torque is
A similar arrangement is the
multipled hydraulically and automatically,
bicycle coaster brake which allows the
engine power is fitted to the load more
pedals to rotate forward only.
efficiently. This eliminates gear shift
guess and reduces operator fatigue.
The oil pump is mounted in the converter
housing and is driven by the hub of the
Torque drive provides infinitely variable
torque ratios with the design range.
charging pressure and cooling flow for
the converter through internal passages.
A separate tank
When the engine runs, the pump oper-
serves as the oil reservoir for the con-
A breather is provided for ex-
pansion and contraction of the oil.
The pressure regulating valves, located
the oil pressure to the converter circuit
reservoir through the oil pump to the
converter and back to the oil reservoir.