The information contained in this subsection covers the re-
If the slip joint is removed from the propeller
moval, repair and installation of the propeller shafts. Re-
shaft it must be assembled to the propeller
pair of these propeller shafts is limited to the replacement of
shaft in the original position. The matchmark-
the parts furnished in the service kits for these propeller
ing arrows on the shaft and sleeve must be
shafts. See the Replacement Parts Manual.
visible before disassembly. If the arrow marks
are not visible, mark both members before dis-
assembling them.
1. Remove the bolts which secure the flange yokes to the
GENERAL. This propeller shaft is used to connect the
companion flanges at both ends of the propeller shaft
torque converter to the worm gear. The propeller shaft is
flange yoke mounted at both ends.
2. Slide the propeller shaft free of the companion flanges
and remove it from the machine.
REMOVAL. To remove the propeller shaft, proceed as fol-
DISASSEMBLY. To disassemble the universal joint, pro-