INSTALLATION. The complete assembly is now ready to be
1. Bend the tabs on the lockstraps and remove the cap-
installed in the machine. To install the propeller shaft, pro-
screws holding the bearing retainers in place.
ceed as follows:
2. Drive on the end of one bearing cap until the opposite
1. Place the propeller shaft in the machine and align the
bearing cap comes out.
flange yokes with the companion flanges.
3. Turn the joint over and tap the exposedend of the journal
2. Install and tighten the attaching bolts, lockwashers, and
cross with a soft drift until the opposite needle bearing cap
is free.
4. Remove the journal cross by sliding it to the side of the
yoke and tilting it over the top of the yoke lug.
REPAIR. Repair of the universal joint is limited to replacing
GENERAL. This propeller shaft is used to connect the en-
the journal cross, bearings, and lock straps contained in the
gine to the propel pump drive. The propeller shaft is flange
repair kit. Check yoke cross holes for alignment or raised
yoke mounted at both ends.
metal. Check for alignment by sliding a bar the same diame-
ter as the cross holes. The bar should slide through both
REMOVAL. To remove the propeller shaft, proceed as fol-
cross holes simultaneously. If not the yoke is distorted and
the U-joint must be replaced. Remove raised metal from the
yoke cross holes using a rat tail or half round file.
ASSEMBLY. To assemble the bearing assemblies, proceed
as follows:
If the slip joint is disassembled, it must be as-
1. Tilt the journal cross and insert it in the yoke.
sembled in the original position. The match
2. Lubricate the bearings with multi-purpose grease as in-
marking arrows on the sleeve must be visible
before disassembly. If the arrow marks are not
dicated in Section III.
visible, mark both members before disassem-
3. Insert the bearings from outside of the yoke. Press or tap
bling them.
the bearings into place with a soft drift.
4. Place the bearing retainer in position and secure with
1. Remove the bolts which secure the flange yokes to the
the capscrews. Bend the tabs up on the capscrews to keep
companion flanges at both ends of the propeller shaft.
them from working loose.