This subsection covers the removal, disassembly, inspec-
Bearing (12) is a thrust bearing, and must be assem-
tion and repair, and the assembly and installation of the
bled as shown in Figure 8B-1. If the bearing is improp-
worm shaft.
erly installed, it will be unable to absorb the thrust for
which it was designed.
WORM SHAFT (2100N503-1)
3. Inspect the worm shaft for wear or damage. If it is scored,
GENERAL. The worm shaft is mounted in the rear of the
pitted, ridged or worn it should be replaced.
chain case and is flange coupled to the torque converter
4. Remove nicks, mars or burrs on machined or ground sur-
propeller shaft. The worm shaft meshes with the worm
faces. Be sure all threaded items are clean and threads are
wheel on the boom hoist shaft. It is necessary to remove the
not damaged.
boom hoist shaft prior to removal of the worm shaft.
REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY. Remove and disassemble
ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION. To assemble and install
1. Install the bearings on the worm shaft. Be sure the bear-
1. Disconnect the propeller shaft from flange (09).
ings are firmly against the shoulder on the worm shaft.
2. Remove cotter pin (04). nut (03), flange (09) and key (10)
2. Install O-ring (15) into sleeve (14). Slide the worm shaft
from the worm shaft.
into sleeve (14) until bearing (12) is against the sleeve
3. Remove the boom hoist shaft. See Subsection 8C.
3. Install gasket (13) onto the chain case.
4. Remove nuts (02) and washers (01). Pull shaft (11) and
4. Install shims (06) on the face of sleeve (14) and place re-
sleeve (14) from the chain case.
tainer (05) into the sleeve with seal (07) in place.
5. Clamp the retainer firmly to the sleeve. Using a dial indi-
5. Pull retainer (05) out of sleeve (14). Remove the shaft
cator, check worm shaft end play. End play should be 0.003
to 0.005 inch. If end play is not within these limits, add or
6. Remove O-ring (15) from sleeve (14).
subtract shims (06) until end play is correct.
6. Place the entire assembly into the chain case and se-
INSPECTION AND REPAIR. Prior to assembly, all worm
cure with washers (01) and nuts (02).
shaft parts should be inspected as follows:
7. Install the boom hoist shaft. See Subsection 8C.
1. Replace gasket (13), seal (07) and O-ring (15). The seal
must be installed so the lip faces toward bearing (08).
8. Install key (10) and press flange (09) onto the shaft over
the key. Install nut (03) and cotter pin (04).
2. Replace any bearing that shows signs of wear or dam-
9. Connect the propeller shaft to flange (09).