5. Install the other capscrews and torque to 25 ft-lbs.
2. Remove locks (01) from each end of shaft (02) and re-
move key (03).
6. Install duo cone seals (12) as follows (see insert view in
Figure 9E-8):
3. Pull end collars (04) off of each end of shaft (02).
A. Remove all oil and any protective coating from the metal
4. Remove bushing assembly (05) from each end of roller
seal rings and seal seat ("B") on the roller and retainer,
(09). Press shaft (02) out of the roller. Then remove bush-
using a cleaning solvent and making sure all surfaces
ings (08) by pressing them out of bushing assemblies (05);
are dry.
see insert view in Figure 9E-8.
B. Check retaining lips ("A") and seal seats ("B") for rough
5. Remove an O-ring (10) from each end of shaft (02). Re-
tool marks or nicks. Smooth any nicks and reclean. Also
move O-ring (11) from the groove in each bushing assem-
make sure that the sealing face of the metal seal rings is
bly (05).
free of nicks.
6. Remove one half of duo cone seal (12) from each end col-
C. Wipe all seal faces to remove any foreign material. Place
lar (04) and another half of duo cone seal (12) from each
a few drops of clean gear oil (see Lube Chart) on a clean-
bushing assembly (05).
ing tissue and completely coat the sealing faces of the
7. Thoroughly wash all parts in solvent and dry. Inspect all
seals to assure corrosion protection and initial lubrica-
metal parts for excessive wear, cracks or distortion. Re-
tion. Install a rubber seal on each metal seal ring so they
place parts as required.
seat uniformly on the metal rings. Be sure the rubber
seals are not twisted and are resting uniformly against
8. To replace bushing (08) in the bushing assembly as
the lip that prevents them from falling off the metal seal
shown in the insert of Figure 9E-8, proceed as follows:
A . Remove pins (15) from the bushing assembly and dis-
D. Install one half of a duo cone seal in each end collar (04)
and in the end of each bushing assembly (05). Press the
B . Install a new bushing in the bushing assembly with the
rubber seal into the seal seat making sure that it is
oil holes in alignment.
straight in the bore and inside retaining lips ("A"). Do
C. Drill two holes (9/32 inch) through the bushing and into
not use a screwdriver or any sharp instrument to seat
the bushing assembly being careful not to drill into the
the rubber rings.
oil grooves. Make the holes 3/4 inch deep.
7. Install a new O-ring (10) in the groove on each end of
D. Ream the holes to a diameter of 0.3052 inch to the same
shaft (02). Install end collar (04), with the keyway, over the
keyway end of shaft (02). Install key (03) and lock (01). In-
stall the other end collar (04) over the other end of shaft (02).
E. Ream the holes to a diameter of 0.308 but only to a depth
Align the mounting holes and install lock (01).
of 1/4 inch.
8. Fill the crawler roller with gear oil (see Lube Chart)
F. Install two new pins (15) into these holes to a depth of
through the hole in shaft (02). Install a new O-ring (14) on
0.030 inch below the outside surface of bushing (08).
plug (13) and torque the plug to 125 ft-lbs.
Clean the bushing assembly thoroughly of any metal
filings or chips.
INSTALLATION. To install a new or repaired crawler roller,
proceed as follows:
ASSEMBLY. To assemble the crawler roller, proceed as fol-
1. Position the roller below the crawler side frame and
align the mounting holes. Block the roller in position.
1. Install seal (11) in grooves on the bushing assemblies.
Apply a light coating of oil to the seals, the groove of the
2. Lubricate the mounting screws with SAE 30 oil, install
bushing assembly, and the inside of the roller.
the screws with flat washers, and torque the screws to 345
2. Install one bushmg assembly into the track roller with a
3. Install all other crawler rollers that were removed.
3. Install the six capscrews that hold the bushing assem-
4. Remove the blocking from the rollers and adjust track
bly to the roller and torque to 25 ft-lbs
tension. Raise the crawler with the jack and remove the
blocking from the carbody. Lower the crawler onto the
4. Insert the shaft into the roller and press the other bush-
ing assembly into the roller