1 . Attach a sling to the crawler shoes so that the entire side
frame assembly will balance. Hook a tagline from the left
hand hoist drum and the side frame removal sling into the
Do not let the hook block EXCEED A RADIUS
bottom block.
13. After removal of the side frame, lower the block to the
The side frame should be installed using the basic
ground. The axles may be retracted and locked in position
boom only.
with the locking pin, if necessary.
2. Place both axles in the extended position and lock the
axles with the locking pins. With the gantry in the raised
AXLE REMOVAL. To remove an Individual axle, proceed as
position, raise the boom.
3 . Lift the sling with the right hoist drum and take in on the
1. Remove the appropriate side frame as indicated above.
tagline to bring the side frame to the axles. Work the hoist
2. Fully extend the axle to be removed.
line and tagline to engage the side frame with the axles.
3 . Attach a sling around the axle frame and then attach the
4. When the side frame is positioned against the shear
sling to the hook block. Lift the sling with the hoist drum and
ledges, install the large tension bolts and nuts. Torque the
take in on the tagline to remove all the slack. Remove the
bolts to 2800 ft-lbs.
spacers from the axle housing.
5. Install the opposite side frame as explained in steps 1.
4. Slowly pull the axle out of the carbody a short distance.
6. After installation of the side frames, lower the block to
Reposition the sling until the axle is almost out of the car-
the ground, and jack up the carbody to remove the blocking.
body. Place blocking at the end of the axle and reposition the
Lower the carbody and test the machine.
sling at two points that will balance the axle. Remove the
axle from the carbody.
AXLE INSTALLATION To install an axle, proceed as fol-
DESCRIPTION. The crawler rollers guide the track rail in a
straight line as it rotates around the crawler side frame.
1. Attach a sling to the axle at points that will balance the
Wear of the rollers is a result of contact between the track
axle. Lift the axle and insert it into the carbody until the shim
rail links and the outside surfaces of the rollers. These sur-
plate lines up with the edge of the axle housing.
faces, called rolling diameters, can be expected to de-
2. Check the clearance between the axle and the housing.
crease as the machine is propelled. As the outside diam-
It should be 0.060 inch at this point. If not, proceed as fol-
eter of the rollers becomes smaller, the flange height of the
rollers will increase to a point where the rollers will begin to
contact the bosses on the track Iinks. This should never be
A. Remove the nuts from the inside of the axle frame and
allowed to occur; the crawler rollers must be replaced prior
raise the plate.
to reaching this point.
B. Insert the shims under the plate to obtain the necessary
REMOVAL. To remove a crawler roller, proceed as follows:
1 . Jack up thecarbody enough to allow the roller to drop out
C. Install and tighten the nuts that hold the plate and the
of the crawler frame. Fully support the carbody at the axle
shims in place.
housing flanges. Remove all tension from the track rail by
3. Insert the axle, along with a pair of spacers, into the axle
removing the shims at the idler sprocket as previously de-
scribed in this subsection.
4 . Check the clearance between the axle and the housing
after adding spacers, one in the top and one in the bottom
The crawler rollers can be removed without discon-
(the thickest spacer goes in the bottom). This clearance
necting the track rail. The nearer the roller is to the
should be 0.125 inch. If not, add a thicker spacer at the top
end of the crawler the less clearance there will be be-
to arrive at this setting.
tween the roller and track rail, however. It will be nec-
5. Insert the capscrews and washers through the holes in
essary to start in the middle and remove each roller
the spacers and tighten to the axle housing securely.
until the faulty roller can be removed.
SIDE FRAME INSTALLATION. To install a side frame, pro-
2. The crawler roller weighs approximately 160 pounds
ceed as follows (see Figure 9E-6):
Support the roller so that it will not fall, and remove the cap-
screws which secure the roller end collars to the crawler
side frame. Remove the roller from the side frame.
DISASSEMBLY AND REPAIR. It is recommended that all
The weight of the block and sling must equal
seals be replaced whenever a roller is disassembled. To re-
1500 Ibs. to prevent backward tipping with one
side frame removed and one side frame in-
1 . Remove plug (13) from the end of shaft (02) and drain the
stalled. Proceed slowly and exercise caution
oil from the roller.
throughout this procedure.