cifications at the end of each subsection
Rate of
used parts may be justified.
for proper bolt, nut and stud torques.
wear of a part is determined by dividing
the amount the part has worn by the
To ensure a clean engine at time of re-
hours it has operated.
build, it is important that any plug, fit-
t i n g o r f a s t e n e r ( i n c l u d i n g s t u d s) t h a t
parts are
intersect with a through hole and comes
available in various undersize and/or ov-
ersize as well as standard sizes. Also,
in contact with oil, fuel or coolant must
h a v e a sealer applied to the threads.
service k i t s f o r r e c o n d i t i o n i n g c e r t a i n
parts and service sets which include all
A number of universal sealers are com-
of the parts necessary to complete a par-
mercially available.
It is recommended
ticular job are available.
that Loctite J 26558-92 pipe sealer with
teflon, or equivalent, be used.
A complete discussion of the proper
methods of precision measuring and in-
spection are outside the scope `of this
manual. H o w e v e r , e v e r y s h o p s h o u l d b e
Certain plugs, fittings and fasten-
equipped with standard gauges, such as
ers already have a sealer applied
dial bore gauges, dial indicators, and in-
to the threads.
This pre-coating
will not be affected when the pipe
sealer with teflon is also applied.
In addition to measuring the used parts
The sealer information given must
after cleaning, the parts should be care-
inspected for cracks, scoring,
not be confused with International
Compound No. 2, which is a lubri-
chipping and other defects.
applied before tightening
certain bolts.
Use International
Compound No. 2 only where specif-
i c a l l y stated in the manual.
Following cleaning and inspection, the
engine s h o u l d b e a s s e m b l e d u s i n g n e w
parts as determined by the inspection.
Work Safely
Use of proper equipment and tools makes
A serviceman can be severely injured if
the job progress faster and produces
caught in the pulleys, belts or fan of an
Likewise, a suitable
engine that is accidentally started. To
working space with proper lighting must
The time and money in-
avoid such a misfortune, take these pre-
be provided.
cautions b e f o r e s t a r t i n g t o w o r k o n a n
vested in providing the proper tools,
equipment and space will be repaid many
Disconnect the battery from the starting
system by removing one or both of the
Keep the working space, the equipment,
battery cables.
With the electrical cir-
tools and engine assemblies and parts
c u i t d i s r u p t e d , accidental contact with
clean at all times.
The area where as-
the starter button will not produce an
sembly operations take place should, if
engine start.
possible, be located away from the disas-
sembly and cleaning operation.
Make sure the mechanism provided at the
governor for stopping the engine is in
far a s p o s s i b l e f r o m t h e
This will mean the
the stop position.
assembly area.
governor is in the no fuel position. The
possibility of the en ine firing by acci-
Particular attention should be paid to
dentally turning the an is minimized.
storing of parts and subassemblies, after
removal and cleaning and prior to assem-
bly, in such a place or manner as to
Some Safety Precautions To Observe
If there is any doubt
W h e n Working On The Engine
keep them clean.
as to the cleanliness of such parts, they
1. Consider the hazards of the job and
should be recleaned.
wear protective gear such as safety
glasses, safety shoes, h a r d h a t , e t c . t o
When assembling an engine or any part
provide adequate protection.
thereof, refer to the table of torque spe-
General Information