As the piston continues on the upward
oil enters a longitudinal oil gallery in the
cylinder block when the supply divides;
stroke, the exhaust valves close and the
charge of fresh air is subjected to com-
a portion entering the by-pass filter, if
pression as shown in Figure 11A-1 (com-
used, and then draining back into the oil
p a n , part going to the cam and balance
with the remainder going to the main
Shortly before the piston reaches its hi-
bearings and connecting rod bearings via
ghest position, the required amount of
the drilled crankshaft.
chamber by the unit fuel injector as
Coolant is circulated through the engine
shown i n F i g u r e 1 1 A - 1 o n p a g e 1 1 A - 1
by a centrifugal type water pump. Heat
The intense heat generated
is removed from the coolant which circu-
during the high compression of the air
lates in a closed system, by the radiator.
ignites the fine fuel spray immediately.
Control of the engine temperature is ac-
The compression continues until the fuel
complished by a
injected has been burned.
regulates the flow of the coolant within
the cooling system.
The resulting pressure forces the piston
Fuel is drawn from the supply tank
haust valves are again opened when the
through the fuel strainer by a gear type
piston is about half way down, allowing
It is then forced through a
fuel pump.
the burned gases to escape into the ex-
filter and to the injectors. Excess fuel
is returned to the supply tank through
t h e d o w n w a r d moving
the fuel outlet manifold and connecting
lines. Since the fuel is constantly circu-
uncovers the inlet ports and the cylinder
lating through the injectors, it serves to
is again swept with clean scavenging air.
cool the injectors and also carries off any
air in the fuel system.
in each cylinder for each revolution of
the crankshaft, or in other words, in
Air for scavenging and combustion is
two strokes; hence, it is a "two stroke
supplied by a blower which pumps air in-
to the engine cylinders via the air box
and cylinder liner ports. All air enter-
ing the blower first passes through an
air cleaner.
The two cycle diesel engine covered in
Engine starting is provided by an elec-
this section is a 4 cylinder model having
The electric
parts such
starting motor is energized by a storage
injectors, pistons, connecting rods, cyl-
A battery charging
inder liners and other parts that are in-
with a suitable voltage regulator, serves
to keep the battery charged.
pump, governor a n d f u e l p u m p f o r m a
group of standard accessories.
Eng i n e s p e e d i s r e g u l a t e d b y a m e c h a n -
ical e n g i n e g o v e r n o r .
Each engine is equipped with an oil cool-
l u b r i c a t i n g oil
and fan, and starting motor.
On all engines, the engine serial number
t h e e n g i n e m o d e l n u m b e r are
Full pressure lubrication is supplied to
the cylinder block (see
stamped on
all main, connecting rod camshaft bear-
ings, and to other moving parts within
gine serial number and model number are
the engine. a gear type pump draws oil
also stamped on the option plate attached
from the oil pan through an intake
to the valve rocker cover.
screen, through the oil filter and then to
From the oil cooler, the
the oil cooler.