rear of the cylinder block with drain out-
passes through the water space in the
cylinder head. The lower end of the in-
l e t s in the side of the block.
jector tube is pressed into the cylinder
This engine is equipped with a drain
head and flared over; the upper end is
flanged and sealed with a neoprene seal.
The sealed upper end and flared lower
r e t a i n the sediment from the air box.
end of the injector tube prevents water
and compression leaks.
Air box drains must be kept open at all
times, otherwise water and oil that may
The exhaust passages from the exhaust
accumulate will be drawn into the cylin-
valves of each cylinder lead through a
single port to the exhaust manifold. The
exhaust passages and the injector tubes
are surrounded by engine coolant.
In addition, cooling of the above areas is
further insured by the use of water noz-
zles (Figure 11B-26 on page 11B-16)
pressed into the water inlet ports in the
cylinder head. The nozzles direct the
c o m p a r a t i v e l y cool engine coolant at high
velocity toward the sections of the cylin-
der head which are subjected to the
greatest heat.
The fuel inlet and outlet manifold are
cast as an integral part of the cylinder
Tapped holes are provided for
connection of the fuel lines at various
points along each manifold.
T h e water manifold is also cast as an in-
tegral part of the cylinder head.
T o seal compression between the cylinder
head and the cylinder liner, separate la-
minated metal gaskets are provided at
each cylinder. Water and oil passages
between the cylinder head and cylinder
block are sealed with synthetic rubber
seal rings which fit into counterbored
holes in the block. A synthetic rubber
The cylinder head (Figure 11B-23 on
seal fits into a milled groove near the
page 11B-15) is a one piece casting se-
perimeter of the block. When the cylin-
curely held to the top of the cylinder
der head is drawn down, a positive
b l o c k by special bolts.
leakproof metal-to-metal contact is as-
sured between the head and the block.
The exhaust valve,
fuel injectors and the
valve and injector
operating mechanism
To make the cylinder heads more tolerant
are located in the
cylinder head. Four
of abnormal coolant temperature, relief
exhaust valves are
provided for each cyl-
areas have been cast in the cylinder
heads. These stress relief areas, which
are shaped like a "dog bone" are cast in
Exhaust valve seat inserts, pressed into
the fire deck of the cylinder head be-
the cylinder head, permit accurate seat-
ing of valves under varying conditions of
on page 11B-17). The service cylinder
temperature and materially prolong the
heads which include the stress relief ar-
l i f e of the cylinder head.
eas in the fire deck also include the
non-magnetic turbo exhaust valve inserts
To ensure efficient cooling, each fuel in-
identified by the letter "T" stamped on
jector is inserted into a thin walled tube
the face of the cylinder head.
(Figure 11B-25 on page 11B-16) which