Figure 11B-44. Removing or Installing Cam Follower Roller
er will extend into the roller bushing and
align the roller with the cam follower
Do not attempt to bore out the legs
of a standard cam follower for an
6. Start the new pin in the cam follower
oversize pin.
body, then carefully tap it in until it is
centered in the cam follower body.
1. Clamp fixture J 5640-01 securely in a
7. Remove the cam follower from the fix-
vise as shown in Figure 11B-44. Then
ture and check the side clearance (see
place the cam follower in the groove in
Figure 11B-41 on page 11B-29). The
the top of the fixture, with the follower
clearance must be 0.011" to 0.023".
pin resting on top of the corresponding
size plunger in the fixture.
2. Drive the pin from the roller with a
I n s t a l l Cam Follower and Push Rod
suitable drift. Exercise caution in re-
If new cam follower assemblies are to be
moving the cam follower body and roller
from the fixture as the roller pin is seat-
washing with Cindol 1705 and wipe dry.
ed on a spring loaded plunger in the fix-
Do not use fuel oil.
Before cam followers are installed, im-
3. Before installing the new roller and
merse then in clean Cindol 1705 (heated
to 100-125F or 38-52C) for at least one
Cindol 1705 and wipe dry. Do not use
hour to ensure initial lubrication of the
cam roller pins and bushings. Rotate
fuel oil. After washing the parts, lubri-
the cam rollers during the soaking period
c a t e the roller and pin with Cindol 1705.
to purge any air from the bushing-roller
area. The heated Cindol oil results in
4. Position the cam follower body in the
better penetration as it is less viscous
groove of the fixture, with the small
t h a n engine oil and flows more easily be-
plunger extending through the roller pin
tween the cam roller bushing and pin.
hole in the lower leg of the follower
After the cam followers are removed from
the heated Cindol 1705, the cooling ac-
tion of any air trapped in the bushing
5. Position the new cam roller in the cam
follower body. When released the plung-