cating oil diluted by fuel oil can
cause serious damaged to the en-
15. Set the injector control tube assem-
bly in place on the cylinder head and in-
stall the attaching bolts finger tight.
When positioning the control tube, be
sure the ball end of each injector rack
control lever engages the slot in the cor-
responding injector control rack. With
one e n d o f t h e c o n t r o l t u b e r e t u r n
spring hooked around an injector rack
control lever and the other end hooked
T i g h t e n i n g Sequence
around a control tube bracket, tighten
the bracket bolts to 10-12 lb-ft (14-16
Nm torque.
ously installed, install them at this time.
12. Adjust the exhaust valve bridges as
16. After tightening the bolts, revolve
outlined later in this subsection.
the injector control tube to be sure the
return spring pulls the injector racks
13. Tighten the rocker arm bracket bolts
out (no-fuel position) after they have
been moved all the way in (full-fuel posi-
tion). Since the injector control tube is
14. Align the fuel pipes and connect
them to the injectors and the fuel con-
ping the tube lightly will remove any
nectors. Use socket J 8932-01 to tighten
bind that may exist. The injector racks
the connections to 12-15 lb-ft (16-20 Nm)
must return to the no-fuel position freely
by aid of the return spring only. Do not
bend the spring. If necessary, replace
the spring.
Do not bend the fuel pipes and do
17. Attach the fuel rod to the differential
not exceed the specified torque.
lever in the governor housing. Secure
Excessive tightening will twist or
the governor to the cylinder head with
pipes and result in leaks. Lubri-
18. Connect the governor fuel rod to the
i n j e c t o r control tube lever..
19. Install the fuel filter and connect the
fuel lines.
21. Install the temperature gauge ther-
mocouple in the adaptor at the rear of
the water manifold.
22. Install the thermostat and secure the
thermostat housing to the water manifold
23. Position the seal and clamp between
the water manifold and the thermostat
tighten the seal clamp. Slide the hose
into position on the radiator and secure
it with two clamps.
24. Install any other equipment or parts
Figure 11B-37. Lifter Bracket Bolt
that were previously removed.
T i g h t e n i n g Sequence
E n g i n e (Less Major Assemblies) 11B-25