Figure 11B-107. Flywheel Housing
F i g u r e 11B-108. Flywheel Housing
T i g h t e n i n g Sequence (Operation 1)
T i g h t e n i n g Sequence (Operation 2)
Refer to Figure 11B-109 on page
indicator reading m u s t n o t e x c e e d
11B-69 and thread the base post J
0.013" for either the bore or the face.
9737-3 tightly into one of the tapped
holes in the flywheel. Then assemble
E. If the runout exceeds the maximum
t h e dial indicators on the base post.
remove the flywheel housing
dirt or
material, such as old gasket material,
and square with the flywheel housing
bell face and inside bore of the bell.
M a k e sure each indicator has adequate
travel in each direction.
If the flywheel extends beyond the
housing bell, the bore and face
must be checked separately.
the special adaptor in the tool set
to check the housing bore.
C. Pry the crankshaft toward one end of
the block to ensure the end play is in
one direction only.
D. Adjust each dial indicator to read ze-
ro at the twelve o'clock position
Then rotate the crankshaft one full
revolution, taking readings at 45 in-
tervals (8 readings each for the bore
and the bolting flange face).
and remove the wrench or cranking
bar before recording each reading to
F i g u r e 11B-109. Checking Flywheel
ensure accuracy.
The maximum total
Housing Concentricity
E n g i n e (Less Major Assemblies)