D i s a s s e m b l e Blower
semble the blower as follows:
1. Remove the ten bolts and lock washers
securing the end plate covers (28 and
29) to the blower front and rear end
Tap the ends of the end plate
covers with a plastic hammer to loosen
the covers from the gaskets and dowel
pins in the end plates. Then remove the
covers and gaskets from the end plates.
2. Place a clean folded shop towel be-
tween the rotors and a towel between the
rotor and the housing to prevent the ro-
tors from turning.
Then, remove the
bolt securing the water pump drive cou-
pling to the blower rotor shaft as shown
Figure 11D-4. Blower Mounting
9. Remove the bolts and plain washers
securing t h e b l o w e r t o t h e c y l i n d e r
forward, withdraw the blower drive shaft
cover from the seal, then lift the blower
away from the cylinder block.
R e m o v e Accessories from Blower
1. Remove the three bolts and seal wash-
er assemblies securing the fuel pump to
the blower rear end plate cover, then
remove the fuel pump, gasket and drive
F i g u r e 11D-5. Removing Water Pump
coupling fork.
2. Loosen the seal clamp securing the
3. Thread adaptor J 6471-4 (1/2"-20
blower drive shaft cover to the blower
threads) or adaptor J 6471-10 (9/16"-18)
end plate cover, then remove cover, seal
into the water pump drive coupling, then
and clamp from the end plate cover.
attach slide hammer and shaft J 2619-5 to
the adaptor and pull the drive coupling
3. Remove the three bolts and seal wash-
from the blower rotor shaft.
er assemblies securing the water pump to
the blower front end plate cover, then
remove the water pump and
asket. If
securing blower rotor
n e c e s s a r y , t a p t h e p u m p w i th a p l a s t i c
drive hub (20) and driven hub plate
h a m m e r to loosen it.
(115) to blower rotor timing gear (13) or
4. Remove the six bolts and seal washer
drive hub plates and spacer (116) from
assemblies securing the governor weight
the gear.
If necessary, remove three
housing to the blower front end plate
bolts (22), lock washers and plain wash-
cover, then remove the weight housing
ers s e c u r i n g t h e d r i v e p l a t e s t o t h e
and gasket.
drive hub.
5. Remove the blower rotor timing gears
as follows:
Air Intake System