b l o w e r h o u s i n g . L o o s e n the two fillis-
A. Remove bolt, lock washer and retain-
ter head screws securing front end
er securing the timing gear, to the
plate (23) to the housing approximate-
right hand helix rotor shaft. Then
ly three turns.
remove the bolt, lock washer and fuel
pump coupling disc (18) securing the
B. Back out the center screw of the pul-
other timing gear, to the left hand he-
lers far enough to permit the flange
lix rotor shaft.
of each puller to lay flat on the face
of the end plate.
B. Back out the center screw of both
pullers J 6270-1 and secure the pull-
C. Secure the pullers to the end plate
ers to the gears with 5/16"-24 x
with six 1/4" x 1-1/4" bolts.
Be sure that the 1/4"-20 bolts are
Both gears must be pulled from the
way i n t o t h e
r o t o r shafts at the same time.
tapped holes in the end plate to
eliminate possible damage to the
end plate.
C. With the shop towels between the
blower rotors and housing to prevent
them from turning, turn the puller
D. Turn the two puller screws uniformly
screws u n i f o r m l y c l o c k w i s e a n d p u l l
clockwise and withdraw the end plate
the gears from the rotor shafts (see
and rotors as shown in Figure 11D-7.
D. Remove
the shims from the rotor
shafts or
the inner face of the gears,
and note
the number and thickness of
t h e shims
used with each gear.
F i g u r e 11D-7. Removing Blower End
8. Remove the blower front end plate in
the same manner as described above.
9. Withdraw the blower rotors from the
6. Remove the bolts and lock washers se-
1 0 . Remove t h e b e a r i n g s a n d r i n g t y p e
curing rotor shaft bearing retainer (6)
to both the front and rear end plates.
blower rotor shaft and end plates as fol-
R e m o v e the retainers.
7. Remove the blower rear end plate and
Clamp one lobe of the rotor in a
bearing assembly from the blower hous-
bench vise equipped with soft jaws
ing and rotors with the two pullers J
(see Figure 11D-8 on page 11D-7).
6 2 7 0 - 1 as follows:
Tighten the vise just enough to hold
the rotor stationary.
A. Remove two fillister head screws (26)
securing r e a r e n d p l a t e ( 2 4 ) t o t h e