sult in foreign particles that may
not have been removed to be loos-
ened and circulated through the
When making this pressure test be
s u r e that personnel are adequately
protected against any stream of
pressurized water from a leak or
3. Set the housing with the cooler core
rupture of a fitting, hose or the
against the adaptor and secure with bolts
oil cooler core.
and lock washers, at the same time locat-
ing the seal and clamp. Tighten the
completed, remove the plate and air hose
4. Affix a new gasket to the oil cooler
and dry the oil cooler core with com-
water inlet connector and secure with
Replace the oil cooler core
pressed air.
bolts and lock washers.
if leaks were indicated.
In cases where a leaking oil cooler
the engine, the engine must be
flushed immediately to prevent se-
rious damage (refer to Subsection
To assure proper lubrication if the oil
cooler core becomes clogged, a valve, lo-
cated between the oil inlet and the core,
by-passes the oil around the cooler di-
I n s t a l l Lubricating Oil Cooler
rectly to the oil gallery in the cylinder
The by-pass valve, spring, plug, and
gasket are housed in the oil cooler
1. If the oil cooler adaptor was removed
from the cylinder block, remove the old
The by-pass valve should be removed,
gaskets from the bosses where the
cleaned and reassembled whenever the
adaptor sets against the block. Affix
cooler core is cleaned or replace. How-
new adaptor to cylinder block gaskets;
ever, if occasion requires, the by-pass
then secure the adaptor to the cylinder
valve can be removed without removing
block with bolts, lock washers and cop-
the oil cooler.
per washer.
Remove By-pass Valve
The copper washer must be in-
The by-pass valve may be--removed by
stalled on the second bolt from the
removing the plug and lifting the gasket,
bottom of the oil cooler adaptor to
valve and spring from the adaptor.
prevent leakage of oil from the
Clean the by-pass valve components with
2. Affix new gaskets and to each side of
fuel oil and dry them with compressed
the core and position the core inside the
Inspect the valve parts for wear and re-
place the parts if necessary.
The inlet and outlet openings in
the oil cooler core are marked "IN"
and "OUT". Make sure the oil
I n s t a l l By-Pass Valve
cooler core is reinstalled in its ori-
1. Apply clean engine oil to the outside
ginal position, otherwise the oil
surface of the by-pass valve and place
flow will be reversed and could re-
Lubrication System