1. Bake the insert and impeller assembly
bly cools,
Make sure the mating sur-
at 500F (260C) for one hour. The in-
faces of the water seal and the ceramic
sert can be removed easily while the ad-
insert are free of dirt, metal particles
a n d oil film.
hesive is hot.
5. Support the bearing end of the shaft
2. After removing the insert, clean the
on the bed of an arbor press. Then
insert area on the impeller with sandpa-
press the impeller on the shaft using tool
per, wire brush or a buffing wheel to
remove the old adhesive, oxide, scale,
against the outer race of the bearing.
The distance between the end of the
shaft and the face of the impeller hub is
3. Examine the studs in the pump body.
0.031"-0.033", with the bearing held
If it is necessary to replace a stud, use
against the shoulder in the pump body
a good grade of sealant on the threads
and drive the stud in to 6-8 lb-ft (8-11
A s s e m b l e Water Pump
Refer to Figure 11F-2 on page
a s s e m b l e the pump as follows:
1. Wet a clean cloth with a suitable sol-
vent such as alcohol and thoroughly cle-
an the impeller insert area and the
grooved side of a new ceramic insert.
Then wipe the parts with a clean, dry
2. Place the adhesive washer in the im-
peller bond area with the ceramic insert
on top. The polished face of the ceramic
insert should be visible to the assembler.
Clamp the insert and impeller together
with a 3.8" bolt and nut and two smooth
.125" thick washers. Tighten the bolt to
Figure 11F-7. Installing Pump
Do not mar the polished surface of
the ceramic insert.
6. Support the impeller end of the pump
3. Place the impeller assembly in a level
shaft on a suitable arbor and press the
position, with the ceramic insert up, in
coupling on the shaft. The drive coupl-
an oven preheated to 350F (177C) and
ing must be flush with the end of the
bake it for one hour.
shaft. Make sure the drive coupling is
tight on the shaft.
7. This pump includes a neoprene cover
T h e face of the ceramic insert must
to allow coolant to drain, but still keep
be square with the axis of the ta-
dust and dirt out of the pump body at
pered bore within .004". The pump
the weep hole. The neoprene cover will
s h a f t may be used as a mandrel for
stretch for removal or installation.
4. Remove the impeller from the oven
Be sure the tip of the cover is lo-
and, after it has cooled to room temper-
cated below the weep hole in the
pump body.
loosen the clamping bolt until the assem-