3. Withdraw screws releasing fan guard
15 m i n u t e s , t h e n d r a i n a n d f l u s h t h e
system with clean water.
from the fan shroud.
Other flushing compounds are commer-
4. Loosen the hose clamps at the radiator
cially available and should be procured
inlet pipe elbow or hose and remove the
from a reliable source. Most compounds
e l b o w or hose.
attack metals and should not remain in
5. Loosen the hose clamps at the radiator
the engine for more than a few minutes.
A neutralizer should be used in the cool-
outlet pipe extension tube or hose and
ing system immediately after a descaling
r e m o v e the tube or hose.
solvent is used.
6. Use a chain hoist and a suitable lifting
For extremely hard, stubborn coatings,
device (through the fill neck or other-
such as lime scale, it may be necessary
wise) and draw the hoisting chain taut to
to use a stronger solution. The corro-
steady the radiator.
sive action of a stronger solution will af-
fect the thin metals of the radiator,
thereby reducing its operating life. A
washers, lock washer and bevel washer
complete flushing and rinsing is manda-
tory and must be accomplished skillfully.
After the solvent and neutralizer have
flushed, completely drain the entire sys-
Since the shroud is very close to
tem again and fill it with clean, soft wa-
the tips of the fan blades, to pre-
vent damage to these parts great
permanent type antifreeze. After filling
care must be exercised whenever
the cooling system, inspect the radiator
the radiator is removed.
a n d engine for water leaks.
8. Lift the radiator assembly with a chain
hoist and lifting hook enough to clear the
When draining or filling, the cool-
engine base; then move it away from the
ing system must be vented.
9. The fan shroud and radiator grill may
After the radiator core has been thor-
be removed from the radiator by remov-
oughly cleaned and dried, reinstall the
ing the attaching bolts, flat washers and
fan shroud and grill, if removed.
lock washers.
R e m o v e Radiator
Remove radiator as follows:
Clean all radiator parts thoroughly, re-
moving dirt, scale and other deposits.
1. Remove the radiator filler cap and
open the drain cock to drain the cooling
Examine the radiator for cracks or other
system. Also open the drain cock on the
damage. The radiator core fins should
oil cooler and the engine block.
be straight and evenly spaced to permit
the full flow of cooling air. The core
tubes should be clean inside and outside
a n d have no leaks.
When draining the cooling system,
it is necessary to open the vent
If repainting the radiator core becomes
valve at the top of thermostat
necessary, it is recommended that a thin
coat of dull black radiator paint or an-
other high quality flat black paint be
used. Ordinary oil paints have an unde-
sirable glossy finish and do not transmit
h e a t as well.
belt guards to the rear of the fan guard
and remove the guards.