TM 5-3810-307-10
WEAR UNIFORM PROPERLY. Wear the clothing your commander directs. Wear
clothing in loose layers (top and bottom). Avoid tight clothing including tight
underwear. Keep clothing clean and dry. Remove or loosen excess clothing when
working or in heated areas to prevent overheating that causes sweating.
KEEP YOUR BODY WARM. Keep moving if possible. Exercise your big muscles
(arms, shoulders, trunk, and legs) frequently to keep warm. If you must remain in a
small area, exercise your toes, feet, fingers, and hands. Avoid the use of alcohol.
Avoid standing directly on cold wet ground, when possible. Avoid tobacco products.
The use of tobacco products decreases blood flow to your skin. Eat all meals to
maintain energy. Drink plenty of water and/or drink warm nonalcoholic fluids. Dark
yellow urine means you are not drinking enough fluids. You can dehydrate in cold
climates too.
PROTECT YOUR FEET. Bring at least five pairs of issue boot socks with you.
Keep socks clean and dry. Change wet or damp socks as soon as possible.
Beware of wet socks from sweating. Wash your feet daily if possible. Avoid tight
socks and boots (lace boots as loosely as possible). Wear overshoes to keep boots
PROTECT YOUR HANDS. Wear gloves (with inserts) or mittens (with inserts).
Warm hands under clothing if they become numb. Avoid skin contact with snow,
fuel, and bare metal.
PROTECT YOUR FACE AND EARS. Cover your face and ears with a scarf or
other material, if available. Wear your insulated cap with flaps down and around
your chin. Warm your face and ears by covering them with your hands. Exercise
facial muscles.
PROTECT YOUR BUDDY. Watch for signs of frostbite on his/her exposed skin
(pale/gray/waxy areas). Ask him/her if feet, hands, ears, or face are numb and need
warming. Do not let him/her sleep in or near the exhaust of a vehicle with engine
running or in an enclosed area where an open fire if burning (carbon monoxide
poisoning). Do not let him/her sleep directly on the ground. See FM-21-11, First Aid
for Soldiers - for information on cold injury prevention and first aid.
Hearing protection is required by the operator and all personnel within 50 ft (15.2 m)
of the vehicle while the engine is running or the crane is in operation. If you must
raise your voice to be understood, the continuous noise level is high enough to
damage your hearing.