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Before assembly, all of the bevel gears and the thrust rings
4. Install the other half of the differential case over the
should be well oiled. For the planetary pinions of the
assembly in accordance with the alignment marks. Torque
differential which are not equipped with bearings, coat
the differential case bolts, coated with LOCTITE 262, as
each shaft with MOLYKOTE paste.
outlined in the Bolt Tightening Torques Chart.
1. Place one differential side gear with the side gear
5. Check to ensure all differential pinions can rotate
thrust washer in the differential case.
2. Install the spider with differential gears and differential
6. Coat the contact surface of ring gear with LOCTITE
pinion thrust washers in the differential case.
7. Install the ring gear on the differential case by tapping
lightly on the circumference. Apply LOCTITE 262 to ring
gear bolts. Torque the ring gear bolts as outlined in the
Bolt Tightening Torques Chart.
8. Heat the two roller bearings to 212 deg. F (100 C) and
install using a sleeve.
3. Install the other differential side gear and the side
gear thrust washer.
1. Place the differential with the outer rings of the
bearings on the differential carrier which is in a vertical
position, the latter being already with the drive pinion firmly
2. Mount the bearing caps and align them with the
adjusting rings.
Do not interchange the bearing caps.