TM 5-3810-307-24-1-2
application, to have normal duty cycles of up to 25 percent,
and our life expectancy is defined with this duty cycle as
the operating standard. The life of the air compressor will
be progressively shortened as duty cycles continue to
increase above 25 percent. If the duty cycle for a specific
application exceeds 25 percent, then additional compressor
or system maintenance will be required or a larger size
compressor must be specified to reduce the duty cycle.
High compressor exhaust air temperatures, excessive oil
consumption, and carbon formation are typical
characteristics of air compressors operating in excess of 25
percent duty cycle. If these symptoms are observed,
corrective action must be taken immediately to reduce the
duty cycle to a maximum of 25 percent. Failure to correct
the cause of the high duty cycle (greater than 25 percent)
can result in premature air compressor failure.
The following life cycle information is provided for all current models produced by the manufacturer.
Duty Cycle
Expected Life
0 to 25 Percent
Equal to or above 3 years/300,000 miles/10,800 hours
26 to 40 Percent
2 years or less
41 to 50 Percent
1 year or less
Greater Than 50 Percent
Less than 1 year
The following application restrictions also apply:
Maximum allowable system pressure set at 135 kPa [135 psi].
Maximum turbocharged pumping cycle length = 1 minute (at maximum engine boost or rated engine speed).
This information does not alter or affect the written warranty for a specific unit, which is the only warranty that
applies to a specific unit. See written warranty for details.