TM 5-3810-307-24-1-2
Replace air compressor air cleaner (if
Intake Air Restriction to Air Compressor
installed). Check engine intake air restriction if
Excessive (Naturally Aspirated Air
air compressor inlet is installed in intake piping
Compressors Only)
between air cleaner and turbocharger. Refer
to the engine base Troubleshooting and
Repair Manual.
Block vehicle wheels and check for system air
Air System Leaks
leaks with spring brakes applied and released.
Check for air compressor gasket, hoses,
fittings, etc., leaks. Refer to Procedure
Check air governor operation. Refer to
Air Governor Malfunctioning or Set Incorrectly
Procedure 012-017.
To check for carbon buildup, refer to Proce-
Carbon Buildup Excessive in the Air Discharge
dure 012-003. To check the turbocharger for
Line or Cylinder Head
oil leaks, and to check the intake tube for oil,
refer to the appropriate base engine Trouble-
shooting and Repair Manual.
Check operation of check valves, alcohol
Air System Component is Malfunctioning
manufacturer's instructions.
Check unloader valve operation. Refer to
Unloader Valve Malfunctioning. Air
Procedure 012-013. Inspect intake and
Compressor Intake or Exhaust Valve Leaks
exhaust valve assemblies and unloader to
body seal. Refer to Procedure 012-104.