TM 5-3810-307-24-1-2
Figure 9. Checking 1-Wire Regulator Terminals
If there is still no output, refer to "Unit
Figure 8. Using Test Hole
Repair" and check rotor and brushes for an
open circuit. Be sure that brushes are
assembled properly and in contact with the
Do not insert screwdriver more than
about 3/4" into test hole during this
connections to be sure grounding and
step. The grounding tab on the brush
insulated mounting screws are installed in
holder assembly is reached at this
the proper locations.
distance. Inserting the screwdriver
deeper may result in internal damage
For a one-wire system only, remove the
to the generator.
regulator terminal cover and verify that there
is a connector between the two regulator
Test hole is provided in SRE housing to allow
terminals (Fig. 9). If not, replace regulator as
direct grounding of rotor field circuit (Fig. 8).
described under "Unit Repair".
Grounding the brush tab inside this hole
bypasses the regulator and turns the
If the output is now within 15 amps of the
generator on in "full field" mode. If the
cold output specification, but was not when
generator output is proper with the brush tab
checked per step 4., check the regulator
grounded, the previous low output is due to
mounting to assure that grounding and
conditions within the regulator. Because the
insulated mounting screws are installed in
voltage is not regulated and can exceed 16
the proper location. If assembly is proper,
volts in full field mode, the test hole should
replace regulator as described under "Unit
be used only for bench test procedures.
Insert screwdriver straight into test hole in
If there is some generator output, but it is still
SRE housing to make contact with tab on
more than 15 amps below the cold output
grounding brush.
Tilt handle slightly to
specification, check the rotor field, brushes,
ground tab to housing at edge of test hole
stator, diode trio, and rectifier bridge as
and hold. Again adjust carbon pile to obtain
described under "Unit Repair".
(25 volts on 24-volt system). Record reading,
then turn off carbon pile and stop test stand.
D-10 Change-1