TM 5-3810-307-24-2-2
Component or Assembly (Procedure)
Ref. No./Steps
46.987 mm
1.8499 in.
Valve Insert Bore l.D. (Standard Insert)
47.013 mm
1.8509 in.
Note: Refer to Cylinder Head Oversize
Valve Seat Installation for oversize valve
insert dimensions.
0.254 mm
0.010 in.
Valve Seat Grinding Depth
Seat grinding depth is the difference in
dimension `B' before and after grinding.
Cylinder Head Cracks - Reuse Guidelines
These guidelines apply only to cracks extending from the injector core to me intake valve seams.
Replace cylinder heads which exhibit valve bridge cracks in any other location.
The reuse guidelines for a cylinder head with a crack extending from the injector bore to the intake
valve seat are as follows:
If the crack does not extend into the valve seat, the head is reusable.
If the crack extends into or through the valve seat, the head must be repaired by installing a valve
seat insert as described in the Alternative Repair Manual, Bulletin No. 3810234.
Cylinder Head - Torque Values
Cylinder Head Mounting Capscrew (Tighten
in the Sequence Shown)
90 Nm
Step 1 - All
66 ft-lb
90 Nm
Step 2 - Recheck to
66 ft-lb
120 Nm
Step 3 (Long Capscrews Only)
90 ft-lb
120 Nm
Step 4 (Long Capscrews Only) - Recheck to
90 ft-lb
Step 5 - Rotate 90 degrees - All
0.7480 in.
Rocker Lever Bore Diameter
0.7500 in.