TM 55-3810-01-165-14
Section I. GENERAL
that sounds at speeds exceeding 25 mph. Each crane
has an adequate fuel capacity for a maximum of 20
This chapter provides a general description and iden-
hours of operation or 200 miles of travel at maximum
tification photographs of the 7-ton crane, as well as
road speed. The type I crane (fig 2-1) is for general-
tabulated transportability characteristics of the types
purpose operations. The type II crane (fig 2-2) is for
I and II cranes.
airborne and airmobile operations. The types I and II
cranes are the same except for changes required to
allow the type II to be sectionalized for external heli-
The 7-ton types I and II cranes have a rated lift
copter transport. The sectionalization parts and tools
capacity of 7- tons at a 10-foot radius. Each crane
are stowed on the type II crane. When this crane is
has a two- and four-wheel drive, two-wheel steering,
sectionalized, the carrier unit (section with the wheels,
and four-wheel crab steering, pneumatic tired, diesel-
chassis, body, and so forth) weighs 15,600 pounds
engine-driven chassis. On this chassis is a center
(7076 kg), and the boom assembly (upper structure)
mounted, hydraulically operated, fully revolving tele-
scoping boom. The cranes are capable of maintaining
weighs 8,630 pounds (3915 kg). For simplicity in this
manual, the power unit is called the carrier, and the
a speed of about 22 miles per hour (mph) (35.39 km/
boom section is called the upper structure.
hr) and are equipped with an audio warning buzzer
Figure 21. Type I crane, right rear view.