TM 10-1670-251-12&P
When a log record is lost the rope will
be replaced and a new log record
d. Log Record. The Army Log Record DA Form
3603-R is a history-type maintenance document which
accompanies the lowering device assembly through the
period of service of the individual assembly. The log
record provides a means of recording maintenance
actions performed on a lowering device assembly.
Normally, a log record is initiated and placed in the
pocket of the carrying case, however, if the item is
subjected to alteration or modification by a maintenance
activity during the interim period from date of
manufacture to receipt by a using unit, the log record
will be prepared by the activity performing the
maintenance function. Once initiated, a log record will
be prepared by the activity performing the maintenance
function. Once initiated, a log record will be attached to
and contained in an affixed record/inspection data
pocket until such time as the lowering device assembly
is destroyed or rendered unfit for further use or repair.
Additionally, should an item that requires a log record be
transferred from one unit to another, the log record for
the lowering device assembly will accompany the item
in the transfer action. A prepared log record will not be
removed or separated from a lowering device, and
especially a packed lowering device, except as directed
by the local air delivery equipment maintenance activity
officer. A log record which is illegible, damaged, soiled,
or precludes further entries due to lack of space will be
replaced upon the next repack or inspection, as
applicable, with a serviceable item from stock
(figure 3-1).