TM 10-1670-251-12&P
Inspection. Before using a lowering device,
Inspect all metalware for proper operation, rust,
corrosion, cracks, bends, distortion, burrs, sharp edges,
grease, oil, acid, or foreign matter. Check for any
missing components. If bends, cracks, or distortions are
present, the lowering device cannot be used. If any of
the maximum criteria is exceeded, on any of the
components that must be replaced. Do not be alarmed
if fuzziness appears on the rope. This is one of the
characteristics of nylon and does not affect the strength
of the rope. Refer to the Maintenance Allocation Chart
(MAC) when replacing components.
Repair - Sewing Procedures.
This task covers:
a. Stitching and Restitching
b. Darning
Equipment Condition:
Specified in paragraph
Unpacked. Lowering
applicable to the item
device with defects
being repaired.
recorded and clean.
Specified in paragraph
applicable to the item
being repaired.