Figure 4-34. Windshield wiper removal and installation.
4-43. Personnel Heater
4-42. General
Fourteen units of the Model 855BG2 crane-shovel with
serial number range from 22506 through 22519 are
and remove personnel heater. Install in reverse order.
winterized for operation in temperatures to -65 F.
b. Disassembly and Reassembly.
Winterization equipment consists of a personnel heater
personnel heater. Reassemble in reverse order.
(primer discharger), winterfront, and special cab panels
personnel heater control. Reassemble in reverse order.
or sections. All Model D333TA engines are equipped
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved cleaning
outside the cab, above counterweight, and are remotely
solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Visually inspect burner, ignitor, flame
section outlines organizational maintenance procedures
switch, fuel regulating valve, resistor, and time delay
authorized by the maintenance allocation chart for these
relay for damage or defect.
units. The balance of the units are not equipped with
(3) Visually inspect mounting hardware for
heaters, or windshield wipers.
excessive wear, burs, or stripped threads.
(4) Visually inspect terminal block, electrical
Note. When the Model 687C-18-ES engine is
leads for, breaks, frayed insulation, or loose terminals.
Inspect casings and covers for dents or cracks.
replaced by the Model D333TA engine on a
(5) Repair by replacing damaged or defective
winterized crane-shovel unit, a special winterization
mounting hardware or components. Straighten dents
modification kit must be requested from the
and weld cracks. Repair or replace defective electrical
National Maintenance Point. Direct the request to:
leads. Replace a defective heater.
Commanding General, Army Mobility Equipment
Command, ATTN:
AMSME-M, 4300 Goodfellow
operating instructions.
Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.