TM 5-3810-207-20/TO 36C23-3-37-12
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Excessive friction in
Adjust steering gear
steering gear
(par. 277).
Loose pump belt
Adjust pump belt and
or pulley.
replace a faulty belt
or pulley if necessary
(pars. 272 and 254).
Ruptured or weak spot
Inspect tube for rupture
in tire.
and replace tire and
tube if necessary (par.
Lack of fluid
Tighten all lines and
fittings and replace a
defective line or fitting.
Fill to level with
proper hydraulic oil
as specified in LO 6-
Faulty operation of
Clean and adjust steering
steering valves.
valves. Replace as
necessary (par. 275).
Steering wheel creeps
Adjust control valve or
replace if necessary
(par. 275).
Shock absorber
Replace a defective shock
absorber (par. 288).
49. Improper Air Pressure
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Air pressure in system
Check governor settings.
is above normal.
Adjust air compressor
unloading valves.
Replace governor if
necessary(par. 245).
Air reservoir
Inspect air reservoir and
replace if necessary
(par. 301).
50. Carrier Handbrake Does Not Hold When Applied
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Handbrake linkage
Adjust linkage (TM 5-
out of adjustment.
51. Carrier Brake Action Insufficient
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Improper brakeshoe
Adjust brakeshoes (pars.
304 and 305).
Worn brake linings
Adjust for lining wear or
replace brakeshoes (pars.
304 and 305).
Blocked, bent, or broken
Remove obstruction in line
tubing or hose.
or replace faulty tubing
(par. 291).
Brake valve delivery
If brake valve is defective,
pressure below normal.
replace unit (pars. 297,
298, and 300).
52. Brakes Release Too Slowly with Pedal Released
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Insufficient brakeshoe
Adjust brakeshoes if
clearance is insufficient
(pars. 304 and 305).
Weak or broken valve
Replace brake valve (pars.
diaphragm return
297, 298, and 300).
Defective quick release
Replace quick release valve
(par. 296).
53. One Broke Drags with Pedal Released
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Insufficient brakeshoe
Adjust brakeshoe
clearance (pars 304
and 305).
Blocked or defective
Clean or replace faulty
brake valve or quick
unit (pars. 296, 297, 298,
release valve.
and 300)
Weak or broken brake-
Replace faulty spring
shoe return spring.
(pars. 304 and 305).
Brakeshoe binds
Remove shoe; clean and
on anchor pin.
lubricate anchor pins
(pars. 304 and 305).
54. Brakes Grab When Pedal is Depressed
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Brakeshoe clearance
Adjust clearance (pars.
too great.
304 and 305).
Grease or oil on
Clean linings or replace
brakeshoes (pars. 304
and 305).
Drums out-of-round
Replace drum (pars. 284
and 286).
Defective brake valve
Replace faulty unit (pars.
297, 298, and 300).
Brakes need relining
Replace brakeshoes (pars.
304 and 305).
Brake chamber diaphragm Tighten all fittings. If
caused by broken or
faulty unit, replace brake
chamber (par. 295).
55. Carrier Transmission and Transfer Case
Excessively Noisy in Operation
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Insufficient or improper
Fill to level with proper
lubricant as specified
in LO 5-3810-207-20.
Rods and lever out of
Adjust the alinement
(pars. 308 and 309).
Unit out of line
Tighten all mountings