Figure 243. Continued.
ing clearance should not exceed 0.0015
(10) Test discharge valve for leakage by
applying 100 psi air pressure through the
discharge port of the cylinder head and
(7) Clearance between the connecting rod
apply soap suds to the valve openings in
the cylinder head floor. Leakage should not
must be less than 0.0D3 inch or more than
exceed a one inch soap bubble in not less
than 5 seconds. Test discharge valve
rising insert type rods.
capnuts by this method.
(8) Inspect the crankshaft 4ournals, if they are
(11) The dimensions from the top of the cylinder
more than 0.002 inch out-of round or
block to the inlet valve seat should not
exceed 0.145 inch. After installing new
seats, the dimension should be 0.101 to
(9) After installing new discharge valves,
0.113 inch.
springs, and capnuts, the discharge valve
(12) Replace or repair all damaged or defective
travel should be between 0.036 and 0.058
AGO 6819A