Figure 245. Carrier rear air brake chamber assembly, exploded view.
pressed air to mechanical force and motion necessary to
b. Inspection and Repair. Inspect all parts for
operate the rear brakes. When the air pressure is
excessive wear or damage, Replace or repair all
released from the brake chamber, a spring returns the
defective parts.
diaphragm and push rod assembly to the released
489. Carrier Rear Air Brake Chamber Assembly
Reassembly and Installation
487. Carrier Rear Air Brake Chamber Assembly
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the carrier rear air
Removal and Disassembly
brake chamber assembly in the reverse of the numerical
a. Removal. Remove the carrier rear air brake
b. Installation. Install the carrier rear air brake
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the carrier rear air
brake chamber assembly in numerical sequence as
488. Carrier Rear Air Brake Chamber Assembly
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts with an approved
cleaning solvent, and dry thoroughly.
AGO 6819A