TM 5-3810-231-12
21. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
d. Lubricate in
Lubrication Order.
a. Keep the unit clean and clear of dust and as
23. Operation in Salt Water Areas
much as possible. Lubricate in accordance with the
current lubrication order.
a. Inspect the unit for rust and corrosion. Rust and
b. Operating under extreme dusty or sandy
corroded conditions at any point on the unit must be
conditions will require more frequent inspections of the
corrected immediately. Remove all rust, and paint the
roller circle assembly. Never allow lubricant to collect on
bare surfaces. Place a light film of lubricant on polished
the roller path, as it will collect sand and grit and cause
or machined metal surfaces.
rollers to wear.
b. Although the wiring of the crane ha d been
c. Inspect clutch and brake bands frequently and
specially treated to resist fungus and rot, frequent
blow out or wipe off accumulations of sand and dirt.
inspection is necessary. Inspect all wiring for corrosion or
d. Keep all unused cables in boxes. Clean operating
deteriorated insulation and correct any deficiencies
cables frequently with an approved solvent to prevent
excessive cable wear and to insure satisfactory operation.
c. Keep thoroughly lubricated to prevent entry of
e. After operation blow loose grit out of machinery or
water into bearings and polished metal surfaces. Keep
wash lubricant and foreign matter from open gears and
lifting cables lubricated. Lubricate as directed in current
chains with an approved solvent and allow to dry and
lubrication order.
apply new lubricant. (Refer to Lubrication Order).
f. Service the air cleaner and air breathers more
24. Operation at High Altitudes
often than under normal conditions.
g. Keep the fuel tank filler cap tight to prevent water
a. Operation at high altitudes present operational
from entering the fuel tank. Service the fuel tank
problems due to lower atmospheric pressure and wide
temperature ranges.
b. Keep air cleaner clean and free of obstructions
22. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions
and service frequently.
c. Maximum performance can be maintained by
a. Keep the fuel tank filler cap tight to prevent water
carefully following the operator's daily preventative
from entering the fuel tank. Service the fuel tank
b. Inspect gear cases, crankcase and lubrication
fittings to see that no water has entered the gear case or
overheating of the engine at high
c. Frequent inspection of the electrical wiring for
altitude operation.
corrosion, loose connections, or deteriorated insulation
should be made, which, unless repaired could cause a
short circuit.
25. General
26. Fire Extinguisher (Dry Chemical Type)
This section covers the description and operation of
a. Description.
The dry chemical type fire
the auxiliary equipment supplied for use with the crane
extinguisher is suitable for use on all types of fire and is
but not necessary for the basic functioning of the crane.
effective in areas where ambient temperature is -25 .
and above. If winterized (pressurized with nitrogen)