TM 5-3810-231-12
Figure 61. Main hoist brake and Secondary hoist brake adjustment, removal and installation.
adjusting bolt (2) to compress the spring
boom and loads being handled, proceed
slightly, then take up the slack with the
as follows:
spring adjusting bolt (3).
As a final
b. Adjustment.
adjustment, back off on adjusting bolt (2)
(1) Pull the boom hoist lever toward the
until there is at least 1/16 inch space
operator to compress the spring in the
between the thimble (4) and the end plate
boom hoist brake. Loosen the lock nut on
(5). This space must be allowed between
the lower end of t h e adjusting bolt (2, fig.
the end plate and either the upper thimble
62B) and turn the adjusting bolt clockwise.
or the lower thimble. This space assures
After making several turns on the
that the spring pressure is applied against
adjusting bolt, tighten the spring
the boot hoist drum and not against the
adjustment bolt (3).
hydraulic cylinder. If there is no space
(2) When spring adjusting bolt (3) is tightened
between the thimble and end plate, the
as much as possible, tighten adjusting bolt
brake will slip.
(2) a few more turns. Proceed with the
tightening in this fashion using the