TM 5-3810-231-12
Figure 63. Swing brake adjustment, removal and installation.
brake band having a defective lining.
(2) The eccentric rollers mounted on the
eccentric bolts should be rotated to
d. Installation. Install the swing brake band as
provide uniform clearance between clutch
band and drum when the clutch is in the
released position. Tighten jam nuts after
Main Hoist Clutch and Secondary Hoist
completing the adjustment.
(3) Jam nuts must be tightend after the
adjustment is complete.
a. Adjustment.
(4) It is good practice, before the clutch
linings are worn out, to interchange the
(1) To compensate for lining wear on the
dead shoe with the live shoe. Most of the
main hoist and secondary hoist clutches,
lining wear will be concentrated on the
dead shoe.
adjusting nut so band will not drag on
drum when clutch is hot. A clearance of
b. Removal of Clutch Shoes.
1/16 inch between clutch lining and drum
(1) Remove the keeper plates from the clutch
at the lower part of the clutch should be
spider. Remove the cap screws which
secure washers which