(2) Horn button. The horn button is mounted at the
the structural frame to the right of the operator's seat. It
is used to increase and decrease the engine speed.
handle end of the swing clutch lever. Press button to
(9) Boom hoist jaw clutch and boom hoist ratchet
sound crane horn.
(3) Boom hoist lever. Located directly in front of the
(safety pawl) lever. This dual control lever is mounted on
operator to the right of the swing clutch lever and
the structural frame aft of the engine clutch lever. This
lever is used to engage and disengage the jaw clutch
controls the boom hoist clutch.
(4) Right-hand hoist drum clutch and power load
and ratchet (safety pawl) on the boom hoist shaft.
(10)Cab lock lever. Located to the right and slightly
lowering lever. Located in front of the operator and to
behind the operator's seat. This lever is used to lock the
the right. This lever controls the right-hand hoist drum
revolving superstructure in position and prevent it from
clutch and is also used for power load lowering.
(5) Left-hand hoist drum clutch lever. Located in
(11)House lock lever (model 2385). The house lock
front of the operator and to the right of the right-hand
lever is located to the right just forward of the cab lock
hoist drum clutch lever. This lever controls the left-hand
lever. This lever is used to provide a positive lock to the
hoist drum clutch.
revolving superstructure for over the road travel.
(6) Left-hand hoist drum brake pedal. Located on
(12)Engine clutch lever. Located to the right and
the floor in front of the operator between the right-hand
behind the operator's seat and is connected to the
hoist drum clutch lever and boom hoist lever. It is a toe
engine clutch through linkage.
heel pedal that controls the left-hand hoist drum brake
(13)Swing brake wheel. Located to the right and
and is used in conjunction with the left-hand hoist clutch
below the operator's seat and is used to engage and
drum lever.
(7) Right-hand hoist drum brake pedal. Located on
disengage the swing brake.
the floor in front of the operator between the boom hoist
b. Instruments.
The crane instruments panel is
lever and swing clutch lever. It is a toe release, heel lock
pedal that controls the right-hand hoist drum brake and is
used in conjunction with the right-hand hoist drum clutch
(8) Throttle. The engine throttle is mounted on
Figure 2-20. Crane instrument panel.