In-Line and 6V Engines
The engine lower front cover is mounted against the
Remove Engine Front Cover
cylinder block at the lower front end of the engine (Figs.
1.). It serves as a housing for the crankshaft front oil
1. Remove the crankshaft pulley as outlined in
seal, the lubricating oil pump, the oil pressure regulator
Section 1.3.7.
valve and the oil cooler by-pass valve. The clean-out
openings in the periphery of the cover incorporate
2. Remove the oil pan drain plug and drain the
tapped holes and 1/2"-14 threaded plugs.
lubricating oil. Install and tighten the drain plug.
3. Remove the oil pan and gasket.
4. Remove the two bolts and lock washers that
secure the lubricating oil pump inlet tube elbow to the
engine front cover.
5. Remove the bolts and lock washers that secure
the engine front cover to the cylinder block.
6. Strike the cover with a soft hammer to free it
from the dowels. Pull the cover straight off the end of
the crankshaft.
Current 6V engines include a regulator valve with a non-
replaceable stop swaged in the valve. When it becomes
7. Remove the cover gasket.
necessary to replace the regulator valve or plug in an
early engine, both must be replaced together. Also,
8. Inspect the oil seal and lubricating oil pump as
when the valve and plug in either side of the engine
outlined in Sections 1.3.2 and 4.1. Also, check the oil
lower front cover needs to be replaced, the valve and
plug in both sides of the cover must be replaced.
Fig. 7 - Engine Front Cover Mounting (Lower)
-- 6V-Engine.
1972 General Motors Corp.
February, 1972
SEC 1.3.5. Page 1