TM 5-3810-293-14&P-1
engine starts, release the key. Do not hold the starting
motor on for more than 30 seconds at one time. If the
engine does not start in this period of time, release the
The outriggers on this machine are
ignition key and wait for two minutes before trying to start
controlled electrically from each side of the carrier and
the engine again.
the upper cab. The control panels on each side of the
carrier control only the outriggers on that side of the
carrier, while the control panel in the upper cab controls
all four outriggers.
The use of a cold weather starting
aid, furnished as an option, may be
required in extremely cold weather.
Older machines have control panels
3. Check all gauges, immediately after the engine starts,
on each side of the carrier that allow
to be sure they are reading properly. If the readings are
all four outriggers to be operated
improper, stop the engine immediately and determine the
from one control panel. Even though
cause of the improper gauge reading before continuing
all four outriggers can be operated
from one side of the carrier, as a
4, Allow the engine to run at 800 to 1000 RPM for 4 to 5
safety precaution, it is suggested that
minutes or preferably until the water temperature
only the outriggers in view, while
reaches normal operating temperature before operating
standing by the control panel, be
the machine.
RUNNING THE CARRIER. To run the carrier, proceed
as follows:
To extend the
1. Engage the auxiliary transmission in a range suitable
outriggers from the carrier control panels, proceed as
for the road conditions. The gear range selected should
be the lowest range that will allow the machine to travel
1. Pull the Outrigger/Steering Selector Valve knob out to
at the desired speed.
the OUTRIGGER position. This step is not required
2. Depress and hold the clutch pedal. Shift the main
when the machine is equipped with the optional carrier
transmission into a range suitable for the road
remote control system. The transfer from steering to
outriggers is accomplished automatically when the
3. Depress the brake pedal. Then pull the Maxibrake
MASTER switch on the outrigger control panel is placed
control knob out from the dash panel. The carrier is now
in the ON position.
ready to be moved.
STOPPING THE ENGINE. To stop the engine, proceed
as follows:
The power steering system is
inoperative when the selector valve is
1. Place the main transmission lever in the neutral
in the OUTRIGGER position.
2. Remove the retainer pin, and move the lock pin to the
2. Push the Maxibrake control knob in to apply the
unlocked position on each outrigger. Install the retainer
parking brakes.
pin to keep the lock pin in the unlocked position (see
Figure 25).
3. If possible, allow the engine to idle for 3 to 5 minutes
before shutting down the engine. This will allow the
engine to cool down and will prevent overheating due to
localized residual heat.
Make certain that the swing brake is
locked in the applied position with
4. Depress the Engine Stop button on the dash panel to
the Swing Brake Lock before
stop the engine.
extending the outriggers.
5. After the engine has stopped, turn the ignition key to
3. Place the MASTER switch in the ON position (me
the OFF position.