Figure 4-12. Oil Levels - P&H Winch
2. Remove the level plug from the planetary housing.
torqued to 550 foot-pounds (76 m-kg). The bolts can be
reached by removing the cover from the revolving frame.
The oil should be just up to the level plug opening. If the
Slowly swing the upper as required to position the interior
oil is not up to the opening, remove the breather and add
mounting bolts under the opening in the revolving frame
oil, of the type specified in Section III for the winch
gearing, through the breather opening to bring the oil to
the proper level. Replace the breather and oil level plug.
To check the oil level in a Gearmatic Winch, proceed as
Winches are equipped with a combination oil level-filler
plug on the final drive end of the winch. Remove this
plug to check the oil level. The oil should be just up to
the opening. Add oil, of the type specified in Section III
for the winch gearing, through the oil level-filler opening
to bring the oil to the proper level.
2. Free-fall type Gearmatic Winches are continuously
lubricated by the hydraulic oil used to operate the winch,
and therefore, do not require periodic inspection.
The slewing ring mounting bolts should be retorqued
after the first 200 hours of operation, and every 200
Figure 4-13. Oil Level Plug - Gearmatic Winch
hours thereafter.
1-4-12 Check the mounting bolts in the interior bolt circle
using a suitable torque wrench to be sure that they are