5. To transfer control of the carrier back to the carrier cab,
2. Go to the upper cab and place the ignition switch in the
perform the following steps:
ON position. Then place the Brake switch in the BRAKE
ON position.
A. Shift the main transmission to neutral by depressing
the Clutch and Nuetral buttons.
B. Place the Brake switch in the BRAKE ON position.
C. Go to the carrier cab and apply the Maxibrake by
Be sure the Low Air Pressure Light, on the carrier
pushing the Maxibrake button in.
dash panel, is not lit before releasing the Maxibrakes.
If the light is lit. it is possibls that the carrier could
D. Return to the upper cab and place the Brake switch
move because the air pressure is not sufficient to
in the BRAKE OFF position. Place the Ignition key
apply the service brakes via the remote control sys-
in the OFF position if the machine is to be completete
ly shut down.
E. Place the Remote Control Air Valve in the carrier cab
3. Return to the carrier cab and release the Maxibrakes by
in the OFF position. Place the Throttle Selector
pulling out the Maxibrake button.
Valve in the LOWER position. The operation of the
carrier is now controlled from the carrier cab.
4. The carrier can now be operated from the upper by
remote control as follows:
It is frequently necessary during crane operation for the
A. Start the engine by turning the Ignition key to the
operation to depend on a signalman for instruction. When
START position.
moving the machine into a position when there is very
limited clearance, or when handing loads that are out of
B. Raise the outriggers to the stored position, if they are
extended, as described in the topic Outrigger Opera-
sight of the operator, the use of a signalman is essential.
tion. Be sure the MASTER switch on the outrigger
ally accepted throughout the industry. Both the operator
control panel is returned to the OFF position.
and the signalman should be thoroughly familiar with the
standard hand signals illustrated to ensure cooperation and
C. Depress the Clutch and either the Forward or Reverse
buttons on the carrier remote control panel to engage
either the first or reverse gear of the main trans-
GENERAL. Unusual conditions refer to environment;
D. Release the Forward or Reverse button, while main-
specifically, extreme cold, extreme heat, dusty or sandy
taining the Clutch button in the depressed position.
conditions, areas with high humidity or salt air, and high
E. Place the Brake switch in the BRAKE OFF position.
altitudes. Separate paragraphs are devoted to each of these
F. Release the Clutch button to engage the clutch.
OPERATION IN EXTREME COLD. Operation in extreme
cold present special problems to the increased brittle.
G. Control the speed of the carrier with the Accelerator,
ness of metallic and rubber parts, the danger of freezing and
and steer the machined in the desired direction by
the increased difficulty of keeping parts lubricated ade-
depressing the Steer Left or Steer Right buttons as
H. Stop the carrier by first depressing the Clutch button,
and then place the Brake switch in the BRAKE ON
position. Maintain the Clutch button in the depressed
Personnel should use care to keep from spilling fuel,
position while the carrier is stopped, or shift the
coolmnt, or other liquids upon themselves. Exposed
transmission to neutral by depressing the Neutral
parts of the body should not come into contact with
button. The Clutch button can be released when the
metal during cold weather, as serious and painful
transmission Is in the neutral.
Injury may rerult.