5. Keep the water pump fen belt adjusted properly.
wiring, end all exposed metallic parts. Keep parts dry and
6. If the engines becomes overheated from Iack of coolant,
well lubricated in high humidity or salt water conditions.
let the engines run at a fast idle and add coolant slowly.
1. Completely remove rust end corrosion at the first ap-
7. If the engine overheats after refilling the cooling system,
pearance on my part of the truck crane. Wash off salt water
shut down the engine and allow it to cool. Drain the
and dry all parts thoroughly; paint the exposed surfaces
cooling system by opening the drain cocks on the radiator
immediately. Place a film of lubricant or grease on all pol-
end the engine block, and flush out the system. Refill the
ished or machined metal surfaces and other surfaces which
cooling system with clean water; do not use salt or mineral
cannot be painted.
water solutions in the cooling systems.
2. Keep parts lubricated thoroughly to repel water from
8. Keep as much air as possible circulating around the bat-
polished metal surfaces and to prevent the entry of water
tery. Check the electrolyte level frequently; add distilled
into bearings. Keep lifting cables lubricated.
water as necessary to keep the electrolyte level 3/8 inch
(9.2 mm) above the plates.
altitudes present special problems due to lower atmospheric
9. Keep the air intake and exhaust openings clear. Keep the
pressure and wide temperature ranges. At altitudes above
engine dean, and allow air to circulate freely around the
5000 feet (1524 m) it may be necessary to change the
engine fuel injectors. Make certain that the air cleaner is
clean and free from obstructions. Check the engine fre-
10. Avoid racing the engine; and avoid operation at full
quently for overheating.
throttle when part throttle will handle the load.
11. Avoid lugging the engine; keep the engine speed high
enough to maintain fan speed.
The manner in which a new or replacement wire rope is
installed on the winch drum will, to a large measure, deter-
12. Avoid idling the engine unnecessarily; shut the engine
mine the service life of that rope. Improperly wound ropes
down during a lull in the operation.
will cause undue crushing of the rope, doglegs, kinks, exces-
sive abrasion and cutting of the individual wires. Bad
spooling also causes uneven application of force and
in dusty or sandy areas present special problems due to the
abrasive action of dust which shortens the life of parts
motion. This results in fast fatiguing of the rope from the
Make every effort to keep dust and sand out of the moving
hook block to the drum.
parts of the crane machinery and engine.
The following five precautionary steps should be taken,
particularly with a replacement wire rope, before starting
1. All lubricants and lubricating equipment must be kept
the actual installation of the rope.
clean. Service breathers and air clearner frequently to re-
move accumulated sand ad dust. Lubricate more fre-
1. A check should be made of the drum to determine the
quently to keep a supply of clean lubricant in the moving
condition, size and shape of the drum grooves.
taching the grease gun.
2. Drum flanges should be checked to determine the ex-
2. Keep the fuel tank filler cap tight to prevent sand or
tent, if any, of undercutting at the base of the flange.
dust from entering the fuel tank. Service fuel filters fre-
quently to keep them free from sand and dust.
3. Dirt, grit, or any other type of debris should be cleaned
off the drum.
3. Keep the hydraulic oil reservoir filler up tight to pre-
vent sand and dust from entering the hydraulic system.
Service the hydraulic oil filter frequently to keep the sys-
tern free from sand and dust.
5. Cracks or breaks in the drum should be reported.
4. Use wood blocking or mats under the outrigger jack-
Whenever any of these conditions are observed, the winch
floats when operating in sand. See that the carrier does not
should be removed from service and properly cleaned, re-
shift during operation.