1. Refer to Section III, Lubrication. for lubricant recom-
start the engine in accordance the engine manufac-
mendations for cold weather operation. Change the lubri-
turen recommendations for cold weather staring and run
cult if necessary.
it at approximately 1200 RPM until the engine has warned
2. Drain and flush the cooling system, to insure proper
circulation of coolant throughout the radiator core. Clean
the radiator cooling fins, particularly the air passages
through the core.
Cover part of the radiator, to aid warmup and to
maintain engine running temperature. During warmup
Check the condition of the radiator hoses, clamps, thermo-
only, the entire radiator may be covered.
stat and radiator core.
6. After the hydraulic oil has warmed to a minimum of 70
When assured that the cooling system is clean, and in good
F. (21C). slowly and gradually actuate each cylinder a
condition. refill the system with an ethylen/glycol and
number of times, in turn, without allowing the cylinders to
water solution of the proper strength for the anticipated
travel to the end of their stroke. Then slowly swing the
low temperatures.
upper end operate the winches in both directions. The oil in
the lines end other components of these systems will the
be warmed.
A high quality corrosion inhibitor can be added to
the cooling system, if desired. Do not, however, use a
Chromate base inhibitor with on an ehylene/glycol
Cold fluid makes relief valves sluggish in operation. It
anti-freeze. That combination can produce Chromium
can add 500 to 1000 psi (34.5 - 68.9 BARS) to the
Hydroxide, commonly known as "green slime."
maximum pressure setting of the relief valves. There-
fore, extreme care must be used when actuating a
3. Keep the battery fully charged at all times. The elec-
cold system to prevent a hose or tube from rupturing,
trolyte in a discharged battery will freeze at a higher tem-
or causing other damage.
perature than that in a fully charged battery.
7. Before shutting down the machine, raise the outriggers
to the stored position, and drive the machine onto wooden
planks or mats to prevent the machine from being frozen to
If it is necessary to add water to the battery, do so
the ground.
only immediately before or during operation, or with
an external charger connected to the battery.
Charging the battery, by any means, mixes the water
OPERATION IN EXTREME HEAT. Operation in extreme
and electrolyte and thereby prevents the water from
heat present special problems due to the difficulty in
keeping the engine and hydraulic oil from overheating.
Keep the battery terminal connections clean and free from
1. Refer to Section Ill, Lubrication, for lubricant recom-
snow or ice which could short circuit the terminals. Clean
mendations for hot weather operation. Change the lubri-
the cable connectors and battery posts thoroughly, using a
ant if necessary.
soda and water solution to remove corrosion.
2. Make certain that the engine crankcase oil is at the prop
in extremely cold weather, it is advisable to remove the
er level. An inadequate supply of crankcase will prevent
battery and store it in a heated area if the machine is to be
idle overnight or for any extended period.
3. Drain and flush the cooling system, to insure proper
4. Keep the fuel tank as full es possible et all times to
circulation of coolant throughout the radiator core. Clean
the radiator cooling fins, particularly the air passenger
supply, drain the tank and refill it with dean fuel.
through the core, of insects, leaves, dirt, and other foreign
material that will restrict air flow.
5. Engage the pump drive and jog the starter for about one
minute to move hydraulic oil through the pumps, thereby
4. Inspect the cooling system for leeks. Replace worm or
insuring proper lubrication of pump components. Then
damaged hoses. Tighten the hose clamps.