4. lnstall new seals in the seal grooves. If the swivel was
equipped with 3 Glyd rings and 3 O-rings, proceed as de-
scribed in Step A. If 3 O-rings end 4 back-up rings were
used, proceed as described in Step B. Be sure the new seal
arrangement is identical to the seal arrangement that was
A. Lubricate the O-rings end Glyd rings in clean hydrau-
lic oil. Install one O-ring in each seal groove. Then
install one Glyd ring over each O-ring (see Figure
5E-4, Early Arrangement). Kneed the Glyd ring into
the seal grooves.
B. Lubricate the O-rings and back-up rings in clean
hydraulic oil. Install one O-ring end two back-up rings
in the center seal groove. Install one O-ring in each
outboard seal groove. Install a back-up ring next to
each outboard O-ring so that the back-up ring is on
Later Arrangement).
5. Lubricate main shaft (16, Figure 5E-1) with clean hy-
draulic oil, Insert the main shaft through frame (8) and into
Figure 5E-2. Hose Reel Spring Motor
swivel (9), being careful not to damage the seals.
6. Install retaining ring (5), keyed washer (6), and retaining
SWIVEL SEAL REPLACEMENT. To replace the swivel
ring (11).
seals, proceed as follows:
7. Install inner and outer flanges (17 and 18) and secure
the flanges with screws (20) and washers (19). Install the
Two different seal arrangements have been applied lo
hose on the reel.
the swivel of this hose reel by its manufacturer. Ear-
lier hose reels have a seal arrangement which consists
8. Position motor (1) on mounting plate (2), making sure
of 3 Glyd rings and 3 O-rings, while later units have 3
the reel shaft drive pin engages the motor shaft. When the
O-rings and 4 back-up rings. These seals are not inter-
motor is properly positioned, install screws (3) end washers
changeable. In order lo expedite shipment of the
proper seals, the Harnischfeger Parts Department
mutt know the two letter date code stamped on the
9. Pretension the hose reel by turning the reel clockwire, as
viewed from the hose side, three turns. Cast off one wrap of
reels do not have a date code. If this is the case, the
hose from the reel, without removing my pretension, and
parts department should be informed that no date
attach the hose to the upper telescope cylinder.
code is shown.
Pull motor (1) away from mounting plate (2) until the reel
shaft drive pin is disengaged from the motor shaft.
2. Remove the hose from the reel. Remove screws (20) end
washers (19), and remove the inner and outer flanges (17
end 18).
3. Remove retaining ring (5), keyed washer (6), and re-
taining ring (11). Pull mainshaft (16). by the reel and, out
of swivel (9). Remove old seals (14 and 15) from mainshaft
Figure 5E-3. How ReeI Nameplate